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"NO, NO, WHY!" I yelled laying my head on his head.

"Baby, breathe, plz, breathe." I said in tears.

I felt something on his chest. He opened his eyes and looked at me.

"Colby." I said.


I saw tears rushing down her face then I looked around.

"Where am I?" I asked.

"YOU'RE ALIVE!" she yelled kissing me.

"I'm fine, why am I here?" I asked.

"Alex nearly choked you to death." She said.

I started to remember. "You were screaming, Elton cried when I got in the ambulance, I can't remember anything after." I said.

"You're ALIVE, that's all that matters. " she said wiping tears off my face.

"I want to get outta here." I said wiping tears off her face.

"Are you ok, try standing up." She said.

I got up and was fine. The doctors said we could go and out house was under security.

Elton was out side hitting his head on the wall. He saw me and ran and gave me a big hug and went to kayla and gave her a hug.

"Were leaving, you two lovebirds get in the car." He said wiping tears off his face.

It was a long way back so I let Colby lay his head In my lap. He was sleeping.

We got home at 10:00 pm so we automatically went to sleep.

He woke up before me and left to do something. I got up to many bags of gifts. I was confused, so I called him but he didn't answer. Everything was awesome but I was confused. If anyone needed gifts it was him. He signed every  gift.

I walked around the house no one was home so I was alone. I called him thousands of times but he never answered eventually it went straight to voicemail. So I just waited.

He came home. Everyone was behind him. They surrounded us and left us in the middle of a circle.

"Mikayla I will love you forever and always. I knew it from the day I saw you that you would be in my life." He said getting on one knee. "Will you marry me?"

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