In love

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"I'm not crying, I yawned." He said.

"For real?" I asked

"Yea I just got up." He said

"Oh, ok." I said walking out with my stuff."

It was good seeing Colby smile, he was miserable for a while. This is his only chance to prove me wrong, but not the way he did the first time, in a way that he doesn't now he's being tested. Sam helped me put my stuff back in my room. Colby did a little bit but he was to busy telling everyone we're back together.

"All done." Sam said.

"Yup, finally." I said.

We both begin to laugh. It wasn't even funny tho.

I laid on the bed watching tv, trying to go to sleep.

"Colby, it's pretty late. I can't go to sleep." I said.

"Same, I got a lot on my mind." He said.

"What's up." I said.

"You." He said.

"Badly?" I asked.

"No, I'm in love with you. You're all that matters to me, and I'm scared to lose you again for something not meant to happen, I'm trying to be care..." he said getting interrupted by my kiss.

"What was for?" He asked.

"Because I'm in love with you." I said.

He looked me dead in my eyes and said, "Take this promise ring and put I back on your finger if your in love with me."

"Ok." I said putting on the ring."

"If I had the whole world in my hand I'd give it all to you, I love you." He said.

" I hope you believe in us, the way I believe in us, I love you more." I said.

"Nothing in this world could make me not love you." He said.

"This relationship is all I need to live." I said.

"Are just gonna keep going, I'm gonna win." He said.

"I already won." I said.

"Hahaha, fine lets go to sleep." He said.

I couldn't stop smiling, I'm so in love with him, like I've never loved anyone the way I loved him. That break up meant nothing, we're still in love and always will be in love. I kissed him on his forehead, and went to sleep.


I woke up to Colby's amazing kisses.

"Babe, get up. Let's go get breakfast." He said.

"Ok one sec, I need to take a quick shower." I said.

"Ugh, it better be quick." He said.

After the shower, Colby set out clothes for me, but it was a dress.

"Colby it too early in the morning for this, Ima just put on some joggers and a t shirt." I said.

"Fine." He said.

After we got breakfast, we just spent the day with each other. We went to the movies, ate, shopped, and just walked around.

We had a wonderful day. Until I ran into someone I thought I would never see again.

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