Time to ourselves (Wk.2 Pt.1)

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Kayla's POV


"Ugh, y'alls screaming is giving me a headache." I said sitting up.

"You coming home today so if you need more sleep, sleep now." Colby said.

"NO, I want to leave NOW!" I said getting up.

We got in the car I was sitting next to Zane and Katrina.

"My baby girl is ok. Heath said he want to see you." Zane said hugging me.

"Yay can't wait to see him." I said

I laid my head on his shoulder and he laid his head on my head. I missed this feeling.

"You go inside and change and get in my car so we can see him." Zane said walking to his car.

I got in the car and went to see Heath.

"Hey bitc*, how you been." Heath said hugging me.

"Heath, baby, that's not polite." Zane said.

"Ok so now I can't hug people, damn. What has this world turn into." Heath said.

"Baby no, calling her bitc*." Zane said laughing.

"It means friend when I say it, hey bitc*." Heath said.

"Haha very funny. Come her baby girl." Zane said.

"No kayla you came here to see me come here." Heath said.

"Ok, y'all silly." I said laughing.

"You ok, you don't feel dizzy, sick, none of that sh**?" He asked.

"No, I'm better." I said laughing.

"Ok so if you die rn ima tell everyone you lied and said you better." Heath said.

" I promise I'm better."

"Ok well I got got you a cake, and you better eat it." Heath said.

"Oh trust me I will." I said leaving with the cake.

"Bye kayla nice seeing you." Heath said.

"Bye." I said.

We got and the car and zane looked disappointed.

"Was Heath to much?" Zane asked

"No y'all are a lot alike." I said.

"Ok do I drop you off at the beach house?" Zane asked.

"Yea, is Colby there?" I asked.

" yea, should be." Zane said.

I got there and went inside. Colby was on the couch sleep. I put the cake down and kissed him on the forehead.

"Baby, did you have a good time?" Colby asked.

"Yea, you ok?" I asked.

"Yea just tired." He said getting up.

"I've been planning something big for Friday." Colby said holding me.

"You remembered." I said.

"Of course, you're my baby." He said giving me kisses.

Brennan walked in with Maggie.

"So, this is your special little lady." Brennan said.

"Yea, nice to finally meet you." I said.

"Why dont you and Maggie go hang out and get to know each while me and Colby do something." He said.

"Ok, lemme get things and we can go." I said.

We got in the car.

"Is this your car?" I asked.

"Yea, Brennan didn't want to bring his car." She said starting it.

" so where do you and Brennan stay?" I asked.

"Three houses down from your beach house." She said.

"Y'all are on vacation too?" I asked.

"Yup, just started. We're leaving when y'all leave." She said.

We had a fun day. I went to their house and got a tour. Maggie was funny and fun, I like her. We got to know each other and we're friends. On the way back in the car this happened.

"Woah, WATCH OUT!" I yelled.

We woke up not in a hospital but in a room.

"Where are we?" Maggie asked.

"I don't know but I don't care if I'm hurt I'm GETTING TF OUTTA HERE!" I yelled.

"Don't worry it's me and Brennan." Colby said.

"Y'all got in a crash but y'all are ok y'all are just sore." Brennan said.

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