{I-I Really Like You} Hunk x Shy!Reader

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Daww had this in my journal of good ideas, figured I'd do a Hunk one since I've literally only have Lance and Keith ones out so far.

Let's get one thing straight: you hated yourself. You hated everything about you. Your hair. Your figure. Your eyes. Everything. And you knew there was no changing how you felt about it.

But ever since you'd been saved by the paladins of Voltron from their prison, you'd been attracted to their yellow paladin. He was just so caring, and kind to you always, even when he wasn't in a great mood. You'd both been close since your arrival, and you'd slowly developed feelings for the cook.

You decided that you'd make him some chocolate and confess to him when you gave it to him. You started out by making some homemade chocolate. You didn't watch the mixer and one of the mice fell in. You heard a squeak and quickly turning it off.

You pulled out the pudgy chocolate covered space mouse and glared at him. "Now I gotta start all over", you said, cleaning him off. His friends scurried off with him as you started over.

You had just shoved them into the freezer in little cupcake wrappers when the doors opened. You turned your back and slammed the freezer shut. Lance entered. He cocked his eyebrow. "What are you doing in the kitchen?" He asked. You giggled nervously. "N-nothing at all!!" You said.

His eyebrow rose and you sighed. "I-I'm making something...for someone", you said. He kept staring. "F-f-fine!!" You groaned. "I-its for H-Hunk", you said shyly, looking down at your feet. Lance smirked. "I knew it!!" He yelled. You blushed and covered his mouth with your hand. "Shut u-up!!" You said. He moved your hand away.

"I knew you had a thing for him!! Oh, wait till I tell him-" you grabbed him by his collar and glared at him. "Do not. Tell him. Anything", you said. He smirked and backed away out of your grip. "Okay okay. I won't. But you have a week!!" He said and ran out. You sighed. He was definitely not going to keep his damn mouth shut.

You turned back to the freezer. You heard the door open again and groaned. "For the last time Lance, do not tell hi-" you turned and saw Hunk standing there. He scratched his neck and looked down the hall. "Lance said you wanted to see me?" He asked. Your face heated up as you turned your attention to your watch on your wrist.

"He was j-just joking. I-I have n-no clue what he was t-talking ab-bout", you stuttered. Hunk shrugged and started toward the exit. "Okay, well if you need something let me know..?" He said confused and walked out. You sighed. "I hate Lance..."


You were in the living room, your box of chocolates on your hand. You were moving your leg nervously. Lance entered and you sighed. "What do you want?" You asked. He eyed your box and smirked. "I'll go get him~" he said, running off. You jumped out of your seat and started after him, tears nearly going down your eyes. You shoved your box into your pocket and ran after him.

"Lance!! Please don't!!" You yelled after him. You turned the corner and your face heated up upon seeing Lance talking to Hunk. You shoved Lance as he smirked at you, running off. You started after him but Hunk caught your hand, pulling you to face him. You felt an angry tear roll down your face. He wiped it away and looked down the hall.

"He told me you had something for me..?" He asked, turning back to you. Your face reddened even further (if that's possible). You took out the box and looked at the floor. "T-this is f-f-for yo-you", you stuttered nervously. He took the box with a smile and opened it, his eyes lighting up.

He took one and bit it, savoring the sweetness of the treat you'd made him. He smiled down at you. "Why'd you give me this?" He asked. You didn't look up. "B-because I-I-"

"SHE LOVES YOU DUDE!!" Lance yelled. You started after him again, but this time and hand grabbed your wrist, spinning you around. Warm lips clashed against yours, and you looked in shock at your crush as he kissed you. You closed your eyes and kissed back, hearing yells and happiness from Lance down the hall.

You pulled away and looked down at the floor. "I'm sorry...", you said. Hunk laughed and tipped your chin up so you were looking at him. "Don't worry, I love you too", he said, hugging you. You smiled stupidly into his chest.

He pulled away and looked down at the box he'd closed. "It's a cute thing of you to do", he said. You smiled at him and heard a squeal. You both turned down the hall to see everyone standing there with Lance, who had a smirk in his face. "LANCE!!" You yelled. Hunk laughed as you chased after the male, starting to jog after both of you with the others who started questioning him about the two of you.

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