{God Knows...} Lance x Male!Reader

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Requested by Anonymous (DM on Instagram). This is an interesting Oneshot for me to write, and it expresses a bit of concern I know some of my friends and even I have, so please know that this Oneshot includes boyxboy and mentions of religion (which some people do not like) so if you don't like it, you do not have to read it. And part three of Not Quite should be out soon :) ALSO, SORRY FOR NOT UPDATING, ITS BEEN SCHOOL HELL

You have been very nervous around Lance lately. Your relationship was no doubt strong and healthy, but you always feared it. Your religion didn't respect or think that gay affairs were okay.

You were raised to hate anything associated with gay, but that changed when Lance had kissed you in the Garrison form you shared four years ago. Running off to space with him was one of the best decision of your life.

You were now pinned up against the wall, and Lance had his jacket off. He was kissing you long and passionately. "Why do you mess with me?" Lance asked as he pulled away from you. He was panting like crazy, his eyes wild with lust. He attacked your neck as you took a sharp breath. "I-I don't k-know", you responded.

He pulled away from your neck and tried to take off your shirt. You didn't quite feel comfortable with that yet, and tried pushing him away. He ignored that so you shoved him a bit. He stumbled backwards as you straightened your shirt.

"N-no", you said, averting your eyes. Lance's eyes turned sad as his mood dropped. "D-did I do something wrong?" He asked, worried that he had and wondering what was wrong with you.

"I-I can't. What would my family think?" You said. Lance knew very well about your family. He knew how much of a secret you had to keep from them. He moved closer to you and held your hands as you spoke. "I-I would be a disgrace to them. They'd never accept me as their son again. They'd thro-"

"Please don't say that", he mumbled. You looked up into his eyes as he squeezed your hands. "They aren't here. You're free from your religion, and you can choose what you want and who you want to be", he said, looking back up at you.

You nodded at him. He squeezed your hand again. "You know that I would never make you uncomfortable on purpose", he whispered, leaning his head on your shoulder. You nodded again.

His hands left yours and he walked out of the room. But, he stopped at the doorway and locked eyes with you. "If you want me, I'll be in my room. If you don't, it....it's okay", he said quietly, exiting the room.

You felt tears fall from your face. God knew that you both were together. But, did he want it to be that way? You sat on your bed.

"Lance loves me, and I love him, but does God understand that?" You whispered. You thought about this as you sat on your bed, begging for someone to show you some sign of approval.

You soon drifted into sleep, thoughts and worries running around in your head like mad.


You woke up on a cloud, the sun beaming brightly against your eyelids as you opened your eyes. You sat up quickly. The sun shouldn't be in space.

But you weren't in space.

You looked closely at your surrounds; nothing but sky and clouds. "I see your awake", someone said behind you.

You turned around and saw a silhouette of a man, sitting next to you. His face and body were just shadows, so you couldn't see anything. But it was clear he had on a robe.

"I see that your conflicted with being with Lance or hiding away your secret", he said. You nodded. "How do you know that?" You asked. "I created all things. That is how I know everything", he responded.

He moved his hand and you looked closely down at the hole in the cloud. It was Lance, he sat alone and glumly in his room. "God, why did I do that?" He asked himself, putting his hands in his hair.

You saddened at seeing him sad. He blamed hisself for that? "Yes, he does", the man said. You sighed. "Well, what do I do?"

"That is for you to decide", he said, and you could tell he was smiling even though his face was hidden, "but just know I created people like you for a reason. To find those other people who love you. And it looks like you did. But, ties to your family can make this decision harder. But, they weren't entirely telling the truth."

You gave him a confused look. He waved his hand and pointed to another hole in the cloud. You looked down. "Do you remember your aunt Renia? She turned out to love both sexs. She is your mother's sister, and yet your mother does not accept her as a family member. But, she got through her fear and is happy. And it is your mother's choice to keep ignoring-"

The man was interrupted when a doorbell rung in the hole of the cloud. Your aunt got up and opened the door; seeing your mother standing there. Both women hugged, your mother bursting into tears.

"Well this is a turn of events", he said, "Your mother is apologizing for her behavior. And she misses you and knew about your secret along with Lance McClain."

You looked at his shadowy form with tears in your eyes. "So she accepts it?" You asked. He seemed to have given a nod. You felt your world grow dark as you drifted into sleep again. "Thank you.."


You woke up in bed, cold, even though warm blankets covered you. You ripped them off and rushed out of bed, yanking open the door and running down the hall.

You stopped at Lance's door, and knocked. There was some shuffling for a second and the door opened, revealing a sleepy and upset Lance. His face was streaked with tears and dried tears, his eyes puffy and red as he had been crying for a long time. You pulled him into a hug and he was surprised at your hug.

His arms were draped along your neck as he smiled. "Do you still love me?" He asked. You nodded. "I-I'm so sorry. I feel terrible, and I met with someone, and it's a long story, but my mother approves of us", you said. He cocked an eyebrow. "Did you hit your head man?" He asked. You shook your head. "It's a confusing and long story. But God knows that we are together. He wouldn't have made me who I am or you who you are if he didn't want to", you said.

He smiled softly at that and brought your lips to his, kissing you for what felt like the first time in a while, even if it's been only a few hours.

"I love you."

"I love you more Lance..."

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