{The Red Ribbon Pinkie Promise} Pidge x Reader [Soulmate]

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So, I'm going to refer to Pidge as a girl, so sorry if that's not what you'd prefer but this is the way Pidge is pertained in my Oneshots book. If you see her as transgender or anything else like that, just maybe change the words in your head to fit the story to you. Sorry that you might not like her being portrayed this way, and if you think differently, that's totally okay!! So just let me know if you'd rather have Pidge be portrayed as a male. Thanks!!

You always knew you had someone out there for you. You always knew they'd be there for you. You'd always had this invisible red string around your pinkie, not knowing who you were connected to. It's still a mystery, but you have thoughts that Pidge might be your soulmate.

Ever since you'd joined the team as an engineer  from a similar Garrison, she's been next to you. She's been kinder than the others, happier (so it seemed) when she was working with you. Lance had always mentioned to you how she is happier when you're around and slightly closed up to the others when you weren't.

You of course, would always look at her pinkie, seeing a red ring around it all the time, like she'd tied a hair tie tightly around it and left it there for a few days. You'd never thought to ask, assuming it was just a rash or something embarrassing.

Today, you had just exited the training room when she came up to you. "Hey, (y/n)? Can we talk?" She asked. You felt a tug on your pinkie and looked down. The string was straight, in the direction of Pidge. You nodded, ignoring the string and walking with her. The string yanked again and you slapped your own hand. Pidge gave you a confused look and you nervously smiled. She shrugged and continued with you to her room.


You sat down on her bed as she closed the door. Silence fell between you both as she sat next to you. "Have you ever...felt a pull on your pinkie?" She asked, breaking the silence that had surrounded the room. You looked at her. "Yes. Mostly only when you're around", you said. She smiled and looked down at her hands. "I know this sounds crazy, but I've always had this red string around my pinkie. No one else can see it but me, and I don't know what it's for. But, whenever I'm with you, it tugs a little or pulls me to you", she said, keeping her eyes on her hands.

You blushed. "My grandmother told me before I left Earth that this string represents your soulmate. Whoever is at the end of the string, is the one you will truly love forever, no matter how knotted or tangled it gets", you said. She looked at you, her face red just like yours.

You felt a harder tug at your pinkie and looked down. The string tightened and pulled Pidge's pinkie towards yours. A bright light surrounded both hands and when it had dimmed, a visible red string appeared, one end tied on your pinkie and the other tied on Pidge's.

You both looked at each other with wide eyes. She tugged at the string and tried to pull it off, but it stayed tied. "Does this mean..." she trailed off, looking into your eyes as her blush returned even redder. Yours returned as well, darker than hers. "That we're...soulmates?" You asked.

Pidge looked down at your hand and giggled. "Makes sense now. I've always liked you, but didn't know if you'd think it was weird being lesbian", she said. Your face redden (if that's possible) as you shook your head. "I liked you too, but I didn't think we'd ever date because you had a different soulmate", you said. She scooted closer and lean in, kissing your cheek. You blushed and returned her kiss but on her lips.

Her eyes widened as you kissed her and she finally kissed back after a few seconds. You pulled away and stared into her eyes. "So, I guess we'll have to get used to being together for the rest of our lives", you said, giggling. "I love you", Pidge said. You smiled and kissed her cheek. "I love you more Pidge."

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