{Not Like The Rest} Shiro x Galra!Altean!Reader

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Has been Requested! It's pretty cute, and it's a bit confusing but I hope you enjoy!

You looked past your shoulder at the fallen guard in the ground. "My niece is in here", you reminded yourself, "and she's dying." Your home planet had been destroyed, but thanks to your father who was part Galra, he took you in when your mother died. He brought you to the Galra empire with your sister and had you both hidden. Little did he know, the next day Haggar found you, and exposed you to Quintessence. She killed your father and took your foot from you, replacing it with a Galra metal prosthetic.

For the next ten thousand years, time went by slowly for you. You didn't age at all, and neither did your sister, but soon enough, the Quintessence wore off and your clock began ticking again. 

They killed your sister and were after you and her child now. She was trapped in a Galra prison.

You killed a couple soldiers and kept running, soon reaching the prison they held the child in. You rammed your prosthetic foot into the door and it opened, letting you in. You scooped up the little girl that was in there and ran.


"Alright team", Shiro said as they wandered the halls of the Galra ship, in search of their information desk. He had his Galra hand ready, like the rest with their weapons as they scanned the area. Suddenly, someone came running down the hall, clutching a small child. Following them were four guards, all armed and firing at random.

The person ran into Shiro and looked up at him. "Please...help us", she said, holding a small child. Shiro noticed the woman was a Galra with Altean marks on her cheeks that were yellow, the opposite of her light purple skin.

Lance shot down the guards and looked down at you. "She's Galra! We can't trust her!" Allura yelled. Keith sighed. "I'm Galra too!" He yelled. Allura's face went red with anger. "But she will harm that child!" Allura yelled, seizing the little girl.

You growled at her and she stopped her action. "Do not touch her. She is my niece and the only family I have left", you said. "Stop Allura", Shiro said. Allura looked baffled at him.

"She could hurt her! Do you not understand this!?" Allura yelled, grabbing the child. You tried to grab her back, but suddenly an alarm rang. Allura set the child down as guards surrounded them. They went for the girl, but before they could reach her you snapped. You growled at them as a warning and when they didn't back off, you started attack.

One by one, you took out the guards surrounding you and the team of Voltron. When one would get too close to the girl, you'd kill them.

When they had finished, you were tired. You felt yourself start to fall but Shiro caught you. "Rest. Please."


You woke up in a bed, your niece Serena tucked next to you. You sighed in relief and looked around. The room was fairly small, but you could tell the people you had run into had taken you with them.

The door opened and in came Shiro. He sat down next to you and handed you some food. "I know you probably don't trust us, but Allura apologized for her actions. I hope you and her can come to some kind of agreement of sorts", he said. You nodded, taking the food and eating some quickly. Serena's hands reached out and you fed her soft foods Shiro had brought.

"I'm Shiro", he said, sticking out his hand.
"(Y/n). And Serena", you said, kissing his cheek. "Thank you for helping us."

Shiro's face went red as he smiled. "Y-yeah no problem", he said, waving off your rescue. He got up and exited the room with that stupid grin on his face.

"She got hurt for her niece", Shiro thought, "that means she cares. Allura will enjoy her company soon enough."

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