{Her Electronical Angel}Pidge x Reader <Part One>

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Haha. Bet u can all guess what Author-Bean's been listening to 😂. But, without further ado, the oneshot. AND THANK YOU ALL SO MUCH FOR NEARLY TWO THOUSAND READS LIKE ??

Pidge was a techie. She always had her laptop with her, every single hour of the day, and Lance has even caught her passed out on the couch, her fingers still dancing in the keyboard. Sure, she did some science-y things in there, but thanks to her high-tech wifi network she and Coran had built, she surfed alien and Earth's web constantly.

One day while scrolling though her junk section of her email, she came upon a certain letter she couldn't decipher. She picked up the laptop and walked to the main room, spotting Coran almost immediately. "Coran?" She asked. His head turned to her and he smiled. "Ah, Pidge! What can I do for you?" He asked. She turned her laptop around to face him. "Someone sent me this and it ended up in my junk drawer. Can you translate it?"

Coran looked closely at the characters in the screen, mumbling to himself. After a few moments, he turned his attention back to Pidge. "It says that you have to send the email to 25 friends or you'll have an angel come, and depending on your fate, it could be the best thing in your life or the worst", Coran said. "What's wrong with that?" Pidge asked. "I mean, I don't even have 25 friends in the first place, and what's so bad about that?"

"The email is in Xyunixy, which in their wishing world where everyone got what they wanted, angels were beaten and used for entertainment in inhuman ways. Those types of angels were made from large power outages when energy was stored to create this angel. They've stayed away from beings of all types ever since, so in a way, we'd have a lot of trouble if one came onto the castle", Coran explained, pinching the ends of his mustache. "But considering its from an email that can't be traced, I'd say just ignore it."

Pidge nodded and deleted the message. "Thank you Coran", she said and turned on her heel, walking out. "You're welcome!" He called back.


During the dead of night, the laptop was on 100 percent battery as Pidge typed furiously, saving ever five seconds on the codes she was working on. Suddenly, the laptop shut off and the green lights in her room went out. Pidge jumped in surprise and then let out a groan. "What the heck!?" She yelled as she threw on her green lion slippers and stormed out of her room.

She entered the control room and saw the others standing there in their sleepwear. "What happened?" Pidge asked. Coran shrugged, looking at the group. "I believe that it's a shortage of some sort. The power will go back on soon. We must be patient", he said. Shiro sighed. "What should we all do?" He asked. "For now, try and get some rest. It'll be good for someone to finally get some shut eye", Allura said, glancing over at Pidge.

"Okay okay, fine", Pidge said and walked out with the others. "That seems strange that the power would go out. Especially since the castle's energy come from a crystal", Hunk said as the group walked towards their rooms.

"Well maybe a technical problem happened where they can't properly dissect the energy from the crystal", Pidge said. "Can you two speak English? Just for one conversation?" Lance asked, stopping to looked at both Pidge and Hunk. Pidge glared at him as she entered her room.

When she closed the door and turned around, her laptop, open and facing the head of her bed, was bright. Pidge cocked an eyebrow and proceeded with caution. She looked at the laptop with a sigh. "Why can't people understand me. I've never truly had someone understand me, Hunk's been the closest thing in my whole life. I wish I had someone who cared for me, like Matt, but I guess more than that, like, well..." Pidge trailed off. That's when the computer screen went brighter than seemed possible. Pidge shielded her eyes and looked away.

When she turned back to the screen, the room was pitch black again. She groaned. Suddenly, the lights flickered back on and a figure was shown. Pidge screeched at the new stranger in her room and stared as the person looked up at her.

The stranger was a girl, with (h/l) (h/c) hair and beautiful glowing (e/c) eyes. She wore a beautiful dress that had the longest sleeves about a foot longer than her arms and her dress, you could tell, was about half a foot longer than necessary. Her headband and the dress were both white. Pidge looked away as her back flowed white. A pixelated looking pair of wings were placed on her back.

The stranger's eyes looking into Pidge's.
"W-where am I!?" She asked. "You are in the Castle of Lions", Pidge answered. She helped the girl up, which she collapsed into Pidge's arms, making her face flare up. "U-um, who might you be?" Pidge asked, helping the girl sit on the bed. "My name is (y/n). I'm a guardian angel of beings throughout the universe. My job is to bring peace and love to those in need. I guess you need my help since I'm here now", You answered, confusion still noticeable in your tone.

Pidge face palmed. "The email!" She said. "Coran was right, but, I'm not in need...."

"I only show up in times of need. Let me see if you are okay", you said, placing a hand on her forehead. "What are you-"

"You're depressed", you responded and Pidge turned away. "So what if I am?" She asked, a hint of nervousness in her tone. "Then I shall stay until you are better. Which is when I gain my wings", you said. Pidge gave her a confused look. What about the things on your back?" She asked. "When I gain my wings, I leave. That's the deal I was given. I could become an angel once I granted someone's true wish. From their heart", you responded. Pidge shrugged.

"Okay you can stay. But, you have to avoid talking a lot. They tend to be really weird. And if a Cuban boy about a foot and a half comes up to talk to you, walk away as quickly as you can", she said. The angel nodded her head quickly. "Thank you Master!" She said, wrapping her arms around Pidge.

The brunette blushed and got out of the angel's grip, patting her shoulder. "And please, call me-"



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