{Embarrassed By The Challenge} Shiro x Paladin!Reader

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Requested by @emmielovw004, with no plot so please enjoy a day with Space Dad!!

You woke up in bed, smiling as you remembered that today was one of your relaxing days off. You sat up looked around, frowning at the missing presence of your boyfriend, Takashi Shirogane.

Shirt and you have been dating for a few months, and you felt terrible about your forms of affection towards him. Just a couple of days ago he had convinced you to start sleeping together. You would sleep facing him, in his arms. You also got fairly embarrassed about kissing him. He'd do it ever so often, but not much now since he knew it got you uncomfortable. He knew that you loved him, but just had a hard time showing it.

You got out of bed and put on some clothes, stepping out while pulling on a jacket. You walked down to the kitchen, putting in some codes for eggs and pulling the trigger of the food-goo nozzle. You walked to the dining area, seeing that Shiro was the only one there. He smiled upon your entry.

"How are you Space Mom?" he asked as you sat down. You giggled at his name for you and picked up your fork. "Fine. I was fairly disappointed at my lack of heat when I awoke", you responded. A faint red glow dusted his cheeks. "I'm sorry. Corn forced me to help him with something since the others were assisting Allura", he said. You smiled. "It's fine", you said, eating a bit of your food-goo.

When you both finished, you took your plates to the kitchen. You both exited the kitchen, walking down the hall. "So...what now?" You asked, looking up at the black Paladin. He shrugged. "I was going to train. Keith is finally too busy to go there. Care to join me?" He asked, holding out his hand. You blushed and set your hand into his. "Of course", you said. He kissing your hand, making you blush harder, the held it as the two of you walked. He looked down at you, noticing your red face. "Sorry. Too much?" he asked. You shook your head. "N-not at all. I'm sorry for not being super comfortable about these things", you said. He shook his head. "It's fine. It's okay to be nervous", he said. You continued silently, hands intertwined as you walked down the long hallway.


You soon reached the training deck and entered. You had gone back to your room and had gotten your bayard, which was white. Shiro did not have his, since his was taken by it's previous owner and he had no clue where it went. "Start training level one", Shiro said rather loudly. A training robot came out of the ceiling and dropped into a fighting stance, motionlessly telling you to go first. You charged at the beast with your white bayard, which turned into a staff. You swung and the robot and hit his head. Shiro quickly powered up his arm and sliced cleanly through the robot.

"Next level", he called. You puffed out a cheek and looked at him. "I-I can kill him myself thank you", you said. Shiro gave you a smirk. "I was just protecting you", he said. You blushed and he let out a laugh. "Okay. I declare a challenge. Winner gets whatever they want", he said. You smiled and shook his hand. "Deal", you said.


You had decided to take a break. It was tied, you had defeated fifteen training robots, and so had he. You had a bowl of green food-goo and was currently sharing with Shiro.

"You've been doing good", he said. "Spending time with me isn't so bad, is it?" You blushed and looked at your food-goo. "N-not really n-no", you stuttered. He smiled and kissed your forehead. "I'll be back. I'm going to get us some of the space juices Coran won't shut up about", Shiro said, stepping out of the room.

You heard the doors open and a different boy walked in. It was Lance. "So, I hear you're scared of Shiro", he said. You looked away. "Well, kinda. I mean, I'm scared too. I just hate that I get so nervous around him", you said. Lance cocked an eyebrow. "So just be a bit bolder."

You looked at him. "What?" You asked. "Well, you know, be a bit more positive. I know you might not listen to me, after all I did tell him myself, but Shiro loves you. And if he loves you, which everyone in the universe knows, he'll be cool with whatever the challenge is. So, if you feel that Shiro isn't happy, step up your game so you make him feel better. Both ends of the relationship have to sacrifice things. Like he sacrifices his life every time he sets his feet in that elevator to the lion. So now it's your turn to return the favor", he explained.

Shiro entered the room with two grey juice boxes and an annoyed look. "Hey Lance", he said. Lance smiled and nodded, exiting. Shiro sat down. "Coran wouldn't shut up when I tried to get them. He kept talking about how he recently discovered they weren't entirely straight from the fruit and then ran off to find Allura", he said. You giggled at his story. "So, what were you and Lance talking about", he asked.

"Well, mainly just how he was into this alien girl and how next time we see her she's gonna be married or something like that", you said. Shiro laughed. "Classic Lance", he said.


"I win!!" You yelled. Shiro made a fake dying position on the ground. "I've been wasted", he said. You were drenched in sweat from the past four hours, he too was sweaty, but not as much as you.

You helped him up and smiled at him. "I get whatever I want. So, you have to carry me wherever I want for the next three weeks", you said. He shrugged and picked you up bridal style. "Like this?" he asked. You blushed and nodded, thinking about what Lance told you. You grabbed him by his shirt and pulled him into a kiss.

You were so happy you were bold and brave enough to do that, and it seemed like your fears had left you. He didn't hesitate for a second, kissing you back.

You broke away a few seconds later. "Looks like someone's finally faced their fears", he said. You nodded as he started walking around the castle with you in his arms. Lance smirked as you both passed the kitchen. "You'd better tell Keith soon~!" You teased. His face flushed red. "You wouldn't dare!!" He yelled and Shiro laughed.

"Oh, I dare."

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