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It had been about two week's since Ethan asked me to be his girlfriend and in those two weeks I felt over the moon all of the time. It was a giddy feeling, like when you come home from a long day and you see your dog waiting for you by the door, wagging his little tail, and when you bend down to give him a fuss, he jumps up and licks you, and in that moment you feel like you didn't need anything else. Well that's how I felt every time I woke up and saw Ethan. He was the highlight of my day's.

It's that moment you realise you knew you were wrong about everything else in your life except that one thing.  Ethan makes me happy, and he's told me countless amount of times that I make him happy.

The next day, after the date I had told Joe about it all. He looked heart broken, he said I had made the wrong choice, although I tried to convince him otherwise, and that me and him would be better off as friends, he didn't take any of it. He just walked away from me, shouting he didn't want to see me again. I thought Joe was one of my best friends on this tour, that's all I wanted him to be, and although that's all he was, my heart broke into two when he said he never wanted to see me again. I broke down. I wanted to see him again.

~2 weeks previous~

"Joe I need to speak to you.." I say skipping over to Joe, I was incredibly happy after last night, but I had a feeling he wouldn't be. I took a deep breath, examining his soft features. He had a huge grin on his face as he looked at me, I felt so bad because what I was about to tell him would wipe his smile right off of his face. I just hope he understands and that there's no hard feelings between us.

"What is it beautiful." He smirks, coming closer to me. I look to the ground, not knowing what to do.

"I thought about what you said, at first I didn't understand what you were going on about, but then Ethan asked me to be his girlfriend..." I gaze off, getting lost in thought.

"And." He ponders, giving me an intense stare.

"And there was never anything to think about, I like Ethan, Joe. Ill always like Ethan, I just want us to be friends, because although I do love you, a lot, it's only the friendship type of love." I finish, looking at him. I cringe as he features turn emotionless. His smile gone. He looked almost...heartbroken.

"I'm sorry but if I can't be with you, then I don't want to be friends Allison, I can't it's too much."

"Joe I'm really sorry, please don't cut our friendship because of mine and Ethan's relationship." My eyes tear up, as he begins to turn around.

"I don't want to see you again, Allison. Take care." Joe almost shouts, walking away from me, to god knows where.

It was as if a bullet had gone through my heart. The pain in my chest was unbearable. I had just lost the one friend that actually cared a lot about me. I couldn't stop the tears from falling down my cheeks. I took a deep breath in and out, and then wiped my eyes, before heading back to the bus, so no one would ask me questions.

~Present Day~

Joe had taken any happiness I had from the day before and threw it away like it was nothing. I wasn't my self for a couple days but Ethan cheered me up. Two weeks later and Joe still hadn't talked to me, he hadn't even looked at me. I wanted to talk to him so badly, but I couldn't build up the courage to go up to him, it's as if he was a stranger to me now.

On a brighter note, there was only like 2 months left of tour- I don't know how that makes this any brighter, but we were having a three day party before we all go home, which I was looking forward to, because I could use a good party right about now.

The only thing I was worried about, is that when this tour ends, what's going to happen with me and Ethan? I had already started looking for apartments and work in New York because I wanted to be prepared for after the tour. I hadn't yet told Ethan that it's definite, the whole New York ordeal, I hadn't even told Brinley or Ariana or Tommy. But to be fair I don't think they would even care, they haven't spoken to me at all on this tour, Brinley has spoken to me a few times but lately she was too busy to even text me.

Or that's what I assumed, because when I texted her she didn't answer but as soon as Grayson texted her, he got an instant reply. It's as if we had drifted. My mom had spoken to me quite a lot actually, which is surprising as she never had time to talk to me. My mother was actually helping me with an apartment in New York, she was the only person who knew. It was going to stay that way until I found the right time to tell Ethan.

I was hoping that in New York, I could still do this vine and YouTube stuff, but I wanted to try and find something in publishing or design. New York was the perfect opportunity to start up my dream of becoming a journalist. Even though I wanted this to be my carrier, I would never forgive myself if I didn't do what I had set my heart on. Don't get me wrong, It had taken me a while to finally decide whether I wanted to do it or not and I think New York is the right option.

A/N: I suck at updating. I'm so sorry.

Also I'm going to see Shawn Mendes on Friday:)))

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