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What is my identity??

Am I what I do?

Am I what I've achieved?

Am I defined by the things I've done?

Am I a saint?

Am I a sinner?

Am I what others think?

Am I all these things people say about me?

Or None?


How we identify ourselves determines how we approach life.

If I am what I do, I always need to do more and achieve more to find my value.

If I am what others say,I will always try to please others and not my Father in heaven.

But if we listen to what God says we are and embrace his identity in us. We will find freedom to live out his plans for me.

1) I am a Child of God - John 1 :12
2) I am Wise and restored - 1 Cor 1 :30
3) I am a Brand new creation -2 Cor 5:17
4) I am Chosen- Eph 1 :4
5) I am Holy and Blameless - Eph 1:4
6) I am a Masterpiece- Eph 2:10
7) I am Loved by God- 1 thes 1:4
8) I am Made complete by his grace and mercy - 2 Cor 12:9

Hey guys am glad I am able to share my thoughts with you ! Hope this helps ! This chapter is a bonus. We are meditating on the life of Joseph.
Please do vote,comment and let know yur thoughts on this chap " who am I?"

Stay blessed!
Stay Wow!

Shirley 💙

Transformation of mind Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora