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Guys we are done with patience now. I hope it has helped yu.. Am actually more patient now that am practicing what am sharing here.
Please let me know my mistakes and feel free to correct me and share your opinions. Am grateful for this.


Psalm 101: 6
Mine eyes shall be upon the faithful of the land that they may dwell with me; he that walketh in a perfect way, he shall serve me.

What is being faithful ?
It is being firmly devoted to a person Or a cause.
We dream bigger things but often forget that the people who we admire didn't get to where they are overnight.

Take small steps...All those steps are like a piece of puzzle. They all come together to form a picture... Step by step, This is the only way of accomplishing anything.
-Michael Jordan

When God calls us, we are tested giving us the opportunity to prove ourselves faithful.
Faithful person is the one who is worthy of trust and is reliable. And we need to prove to God that we can be relied on. Becausehe is looking for devoted ppl that he can count on.
Matthew 25:21
First we must become faithful inthe little responsibilities.
Jesus require our commitment to proclaim his good news. Storing information is not the essence of Christian walk. We should respond to his calling faithfully.

I am not called to be successful, I am called to be faithful. - Mother Theresa

To be faithful requires us to serve Jesus and his call. We have to be faithful in one little area. It is easier to be faithful when things go out way, but that's not a true test.
Joseph had to be proven faithful in smaller tasks earlier. He helped his family without holding back despite the harm his brothers caused him.

Despite the rest ,
Do your best.
Give your best,
And God will do the rest !

Joseph was faithful in using his gift of dream interpretatio and was undaunted about telling his dreams no matter the consequences.
Joseph chose to honour God in his life rather than be fearful of men and as such ur was rewarded. In situations where we are faced with doing things to please God or men. We should always choose to please God in our thoughts, words and actions.
After telling his brothers about his dreams and facing the consequences, he should have given up using his gift! But he didn't. He was faithful in using his gift and pleased God even in prison. And this led to glorification of God when he became a ruler. Joseph's was true faithfulness.

We are born to manifest the glory of God that is within us. It's not in just some of us but it's in everyone.
Never fear we are inadequate. We all are meant to shine!! EVERYONE!
And as we let out own light shine, we give other people permission to do the same unknowingly.
Liberate yourselves of fear.. and automatically our presence may liberate others.Be faithful in using your talents.

I would like to know what are your talents. If at all you have not recognized it/them yet ask God to show it to you. Be it singing, writing , painting, anything... everything can be used for his glory.

Stay Blessed!
Stay Wow !

Shirley 💜🎶

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