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This is an age old saying. But in the case of Joseph it was more like " Clothes breaketh the man."

The story of Joseph begins in Chapter 37 of Genesis in which his own brothers disliked him because of a certain fine coat that their father, Jacob had given to him. This hatred and anger of the brothers turned murderous when Joseph told them about a dream in which they were bowing down to him.
The coat played an important role in Joseph's soured relationship with his brothers- to them it was a constant reminder that their father loved him more than them. They vented their anger and envy by stripping him of the coat.

Joseph's clothing got him in trouble again when he was working for Potiphar in Egypt. Potiphar's wife became enraged when she was denied and grabbed his garment and held onto it as a false evidence thus he ended up in prison.

Everytime Joseph was stripped of his clothes, Joseph didn't hold onto the garments and in both instances the loss of garments brought significant change in his life.
Here, I've learnt that we should know how to let go certain things that make us sin against God.

God was preparing Joseph for his new beginnings each time. Joseph let go of his past in order to embrace the "new" that God was doing and was going to do.
When Joseph was stripped of his coat by his brothers and was thrown into the pit and when he had his garment wrenched from him by Potiphar's wife and was thrown in prison, God was actually preparing a while new wardrobe for him. In the natural , he we clothed with fine linen by pharaoh but spiritually he was clothed in righteousness.

In Gen 41:4 we see God's exaltation begin to take shape. His brothers could keep his old coat, Potiphar's wife could have his old garment - Because God had provided some thing better.

Patience allows change to take place in our lives.
God prepared new garments for Joseph. According to Isaiah 64:6, Our filthy rags are our sinful state, we cannot receive eternal life with them. We need to exchange these rags through the spiritual cleansing of our hearts.
Transformation of Joseph's garments was divinely ordained. Joseph didn't consider going against God even when he was thrown into pit or prison. Sin wasn't an option for him. Instead he stayed on the path of obedience,left his old clothes behind and was rewarded by God for his patients and perseverance. Patience always pays off.
Joseph allowed God the necessary time to work in his life. In the end God rewarded not only Joseph but his entire family.

When everything seems to be Rocky
When everything seems to be falling apart
He will renew your strength
You will rise up with wings like an eagle

Stop telling God how big your problem is and start telling the problem how big your God is.

Psalm 40:1
I waited patiently for the Lord , he turned to me and heard my cry.


Thank you friends for reading. Do vote. Hope this thought helped you.. am learning to be patient! Let's all be Shining like diamonds for Christ .
Please pray for my church Vbs.
Pray that we may reach out children and God may touch their hearts. Pray that this work of God may be successful and no evil may interrupt it.

Stay Blessed!
Stay Wow!


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