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Proverbs 23: 7a
For as a man thinks so is He.

What we think defines us. We think from our mind. In Phil 2:5 it is said- "Have the same mindset as Christ Jesus."

Everyday we keep thinking. Various thoughts come and go. Some thoughts provoke us to do good and some bad. What makes us different id having the mind of Christ.

Many of us do not take thoughts to be sin. But we sin a lot through thoughts. We find it okay! Just because No man watches us or knows what we think. But there is someone who knows everything. We are called to be God pleasers and not men pleasers.

What we need to do?

2Cor 10:5b - Let US take captive every thought to make it obedient to Christ.
We need to rebuke the thoughts God's mind would not entertain.

Isaiah 55: 7 - Let the unrighteous forsake their thoughts.
We unknowingly harbour lots of wicked thoughts just as people of Jerusalem did in Jeremiah 4:14
What do we need to think then?
Philippians 4:8
" whatever is true, whatever is noble, whatever is right, whatever is pure, whatever is lovely, whatever is admirable - if anything IS excellent or praiseworthy - think about such things."

Who doesn't feel anxious? I am anxious about my studies, my future,etc. . But I have learnt that Anxiety is Sin. Paul did not just mention not to be anxious several times in his letters for nothing! This anxiety is an age old problem. We need to overcome it.

There are so many of us who feel discouraged by various reasons. Is it not why God reminds us so many times that He will never leave us?!
He is the best encourager. Run to him in the times of distress. And then we are safe with no worries!

These thoughts are wasteful thoughts that just eat up our brain nothing else!
Isaiah 43 :18-19
"Forget the former things;
Do not dwell in the past.
See, I am doing a new thing!
Now it springs up; do you not perceive it?"
Never dwell in the past and regret. But use the time God gave to make your future with Him. And at present Live for Jesus.

Col 3: 1-3
".....set your minds in things above..."
We need to ask his strength to overcome these thoughts and help us to seek the things he wants us to think about!!

We get these thoughts because of our unforgiving spirit. We need to bear and adjust with every circumstances life gives us. Unless we do this we have no satisfaction and this leads to bitter thoughts that often make us feel low.
Col 3:13
"Bear with each other... Forgive as the Lord forgave you."
Forgive and carry on in life. We need to forget the bad things people did to us when they ask us forgiveness.
" Forgiving without forgetting is not Forgiveness "

We need to train our minds. Fill up our minds with scripture. We should rebuke the Devil in the name of Jesus Christ.

We have learnt that a need to have the mind of Christ.
But what is the mind of Christ?
Consumed in doing the will of God. Be loyal to our call.
What ever is your call; be loyal to it. All calls though different has the ultimate goal to shine for Jesus.

1Cor 2:16
" for, "who has known the mind of the Lord so as to instruct him?" But we have the mind of Christ.
Hurray!!! As we see in verse 9 from the same chapter we are God revealed his wisdom and his glory to us by his Spirit.

According to Rom 8: 5,6 we should allow the spirit to rule over our minds to have life and peace. Think about God in free time too.

Hope you enjoyed this session. Yes all of us do suffer from this. To put our thoughts under control we need the leading of God and lots of practice.We should learn to depend on his word and think what he told us to. Whatever is true, noble, pure, excellent, praiseworthy.
Stay Blessed
Stay Wow

Shirley ❤

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