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This 5 letter word has the greatest impact in the history of mankind.
If we list out the number of times the saints of the Bible have worked miracles through faith. Faith has it's own chapter! Can you guess which chapter in the Bible is on faith and mostly on faith heroes?
Yes it's Hebrews 11
In simpler words faith is nothing but Trust, belief, confidence. I can say it is just trusting our God.
F- Forsake
A- All
I- I
T- Take
H- Him
So it is nothing but only trusting Him even if the circumstances are not favourable. So it is trusting him first rather than other worldly resources.
By Faith we can move mountains.By faith we can walk on water.By faith we can work miracles. Only by faith!

What we need is not a great faith, but faith in a Great God- Hudson Taylor

Our faith in Jesus will cause us to overcome the world as said in 1 John 5:4-5 "For every one born of God overcomes the world. This is the victory that has overcome the world ,even our faith. Who is it that overcomes the world? Only he who believes that Jesus is the Son of God."
So what is this faith??
1.Faith is taking God at his word!
Definition of Faith is given in Hebrews 11:1 Faith is the substance of things hoped for,the evidence of things not seen.
The Greek word hupostasis is translated as substance. It has a technical meaning in business transactions to denote ownership and referred to documents which we call our "title deed" Our title deed is Faith in God.
Title deed proves our right of ownership. So when we lose faith we are in fact giving away our right to take hold of God's promises for us as seen in Heb 3:19 where Israelites couldn't enter their promised land because of their unbelief. Our unbelief becomes a barrier to receiving God's best for us. We must take God at his word and his promises. And for that we need to trust his word even in the midst of persecution without any doubts like Joseph.

2. Faith is the key to enter into God's promises!
Unbelief causes panic and anxiety as there is no hope. This anxiety continues further to lead to fear.This fear causes stress. Stress in turn will turn off the immune system of our body and lead to various complications like cortisol and adrenaline rush leading to rise in Blood pressure, increased mobilization of fat stores causing heart attacks. No wonder Bible reminds us time again not to fear.!
Always remember- when you are afraid, it is your faith which is under attack. To begin we need to rely on his word to do exactly what he said in Phil 4:6-7.
It's said Through Prayer !! Prayer is an excellent opportunity to get your concerns off your chest and activate your faith. We have a human tendency to be independent and do things out way not realising we are incapable in many ways.
Recently our fellow Christian brother ianrickman has begun this campaign on wattpad based on the burden God has put in his heart for our lost world where hate and violence is increasing everyday. Prayer can move the hands of the one who made this whole world with his word. Do please join this movement or we can say campaign. Remever these prayer points in your daily devotions.
It is written in 2 Chronicles 7:14 -If my people, which are called by my name,shall humble themselves, and pray, and seek my face, and turn from their wicked ways; then I will hear from heaven and will forgive their sin, and heal their land." We want exactly this!! Healing to our land. Let's all pray for our world and let us work for the proclamation of Gospel even to ends of the earth. So that our faith may bring restoration to others around us -Luke 5:17-20
Here we see Jesus saw the faith of the paralyzed man's friends and healed him. So if you have been praying for some one and are asking God for a break through for them, don't give up. Our prayers will never go in vain.Hold onto the faith in Jesus and continue in prayer. Faith tells doubts and worries to Get out!!
Though prayer is the key to heaven, Faith alone unlocks the door. - Dennis O'Brien
Worry originates from the Anglo Saxon word werigan which means to choke. Worry literally chokes our faith and makes us incapable of fully trusting God.
There is no record of Joseph ever being worried or doubting God's time of deliverance.
Where there is Faith there is no worry or doubt.

Hi friends! I've been busy lately with various church programs being it summer. I've been blessed myself writing these thoughts and want to cultivate the habit of just trusting God even without a doubt. I thank everyone who prayed for our church Vbs and Village Gospel ministry. It's been a blessing.We could see the hand of God in all work we did and were able to tell them about Jesus Christ.
Please feel free to vote and comment and share your views on the topic : Faith !!

Stay Blessed 😇
Stay Wow 😄

Shirley 💗

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