Discussion 2 - Novels and Soaps

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Hi. Recently I've been addicted to soap operas that started eating away my time and lately I've been losing interest in lots of things including my studies. Now this was so addicting I didn't sleep the whole night watching them and had to miss my classes.

This addiction happens even with wattpad. I got so addicted to wattpad in my early days of reading that I literally had to burn the midnight oil for all subjects in the final exam. Does this happen to me alone.?

Why is this world so much attracting? I asked myself. The Satan is indeed a clever player. He knows where to lay the trap. And my weakness was tv soaps and romance stories in wattpad ( the books without any bad content, however it doesn't have any matter that nourish my soul)

That very morning I was reading the 31 day challenge devotional book called 'I do but I can't' and it was in that I realised that though I knew doing such things was wrong I tried to compromise and this would affect my testimony. I confessed and am now back on track please pray I don't go back watching them. Though they tempt me a lot. I need to be strong.

So what according to you should we watch on Tv? Can we watch the drama? Can we read novels that do not edify our souls but just give us entertainment?
Answers in the comments below!
Please do participate and let us know your views as it will help me or someone who will need this.

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