Bless the Lord, Oh my soul

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Hello friends,
I thank everyone who read this book, and have been blessed. I have this urge in my heart for so long to share my life testimony, yes life.. From my birth until now.
I hope you be blessed learning all the great things and wonders God did for me.

So little about me, I was born on a hot summer day at 7am. I used to be quite a babbler at home and school. My teachers called me Grandma as I used to keep talking non stop.
Right from the very childhood my parents made me cultivate this habit to have my devotion and learn God's word. My mom taught me and I recited psalm 23 at the age of two and a half years in front of some hundreds of congregation. I am really thankful to my parents for the spiritual upbringing.

As it's said in Proverbs 22:6 " Start off children on the way they should go, and even when they are old they will not turn from it."

Next studies part, this is one area of my life where I felt the presence of God. I was always a normal above average student always struggling to come to the top but just stay hanging in between. So in my middle school I failed in math bad that was when my mom changed my school and put me in a corporate school that wasn't a Christian one. I improved in my studies later. But there were certain things that happened I can never forget. I was punished in my school in my 9th class for not reciting a religious poem as I was a Christian. I felt very humiliated because this happened before the whole school. I came home and just started crying. Then that's when my dad told me about the persecution and the mockery we Christians will face because we believe in Christ. I made up my mind. I just focused on my studies and my relationship with God. I scored pretty good marks.

After my high school, I started asking God for his leading as I wasn't sure what I was going to do withy life. I prepared myself for baptism as I wanted to lead a very spiritual life youthful life. Then after my baptism, when I was praying God put this desire in my heart that I should become a missionary doctor. I never knew that I would become a medical student. But God's plans are so marvellous in my life. I cant even explain it.

In my college, I couldn't cope up with the fast teaching and this led to low marks and I lost my self confidence. Later one of my friends introduced me to the most dirty things I've ever seen on the internet. I backslided. I stopped reading Bible and stopped praying. I stopped studying all because of the guilt.

I felt God leaving me when my friends left me just because of some misunderstandings. I value friendship a lot and once I consider anyone my friend I try to give my 100%. After the fight I was totally heart broken.When I couldn't share my problem with my family. I didn't understand what to do. I felt very irritated. I thought it was better if I hadn't taken baptism. Atleast I would not face so much trials. I really needed God. But I couldn't find him.i wanted to rebel. How can he leave me there like that?? Only as some last resort, I opened my Bible telling to myself maybe this may help. I cleaned the dust over it and started reading whatever page opened. Only thing I did was repent,confess. He spoke to me through the book of Isaiah 43

When I thought he left me, he did not he was right there whispering, telling me to talk to him. Really all answers are in the Bible. His love letter to us. I realised that I am nothing without him. I cannot do anything on my own. I need his grace. I am not ashamed.

Then I took a year gap to prepare myself for the entrance again. This one year, I was away from family in a hostel. They were too many ups and downs but I was totally assured that I am not alone. Then when the time came for me to select a medical college. I got the seat in my own city. I was damn happy. But there were many other better colleges, My grandpa wanted me to get into those prestigious colleges with the help of a certificate called caste certificate in which states that am not a Christian. I was totally shocked how could people call themselves Christians and follow Christ but only for a few benefits wanted to be called a Non Christian!

I never wanted that. By the grace of God, my dad was totally against this. I could get into the college in the Christian category which was just 1% reservation. I am still thankful to God for the seat even though the competition was tough.

I still wonder, what would have happened if I had not turned back to God. I would be in a delusion and would have been living a life full of myself which is actually the centrality of SIN.

Sometimes we seem to turn off God's voice and just do the things we feel right. We end up really bad. We lose focus. We lose hope. We go into depression. We just feel purposeless in life. I learnt to stay strong on my beliefs. Lean on God. And prepare myself for everything that is in my way.

People mock at me telling that I believe in a God who is unseen and is full of mystery. No! I found God. He is right here. He reveals himself through the nature. Through his word. I am Christian and I believe in Christ's unfailing love. I am not religious. I am spiritual. I connect with God everyday. Yes I do stray from the right path many times,but I know the way back. I stumble but I rise again. I am made perfect in the true love of Christ. For me God is love.

I know I have spoken a lot today. Am sorry for the non stop blabbering. But yes this is exactly what God did for me.I am not ashamed of sharing my flaws when I know he covered it all. Even in my health, he is still working on me and being Lord Rapha to me. I love telling the great things he has done for me. God bless you.

Stay Blessed

Stay Wow

Shirley 💟

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