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Choices play a very important role in our lives. Choices make our future. There are choices everywhere. It is these choices that make all the difference.

Deuteronomy 30: 19
I call heaven and earth to record this day against you, that I have set before you life and death, blessing and cursing : therefore choose life , that both you and your seed may live.



"When you have to make a choice and don't make it, that is in itself a choice."

This quote tells us that many a times we make choices without even realising it. We actually made a choice by our non action. You are the one who ultimately determines how you react to a given situation.
Every course of our action or non action will have consequences. The only time our non action is appropriate is when we choose not to sin.When we allow God to have control of our lives,it means that whatever decisions we take will be in obedience to his Word.

Adverse circumstances could not overrule Joseph's obedience. We are to never give excuses for our sins. We often find ourselves compromising that from childhood we are like this and like that, so let it be. God never errs, and therefore situation we are in at birth or in childhood can never be an excuse for our sin when we are able to decidefor ourselves. Christians shouldn't be tossed around by every breeze and wave like a cork in the ocean. Instead, we should be rooted firmly in the word of God.

Your birth, your situations, peer pressure, Your environment And your genes are a No excuse for your choices in life .
Even Joseph's father had a reputation as a deceiver, and Joseph did not have the best family or situation , he still chose to walk in obedience to Gods will.
All youngsters have a lot of discussions with the topic of Choices. Cause "Ultimately life boils down to the choices that we make " Jesus himself was not exempt from having to make choices. He took the right decisions based on the word of God and drove the temptations away. God's word is paramount in helping us do what is right. Go against the society's trend of blaming others for your bad choices in life. Know that you are solely responsible for your decisions.
The agony Christ faced in Gethsemane is not unknown to us, despite the stress he was under, He still chose to fulfill the will of the Father
".... Nevertheless not my will but thine, be done."
Luke 22:42
We often face the dilemma of doing what we want to do as opposed to what God wants for us. But God's way is always the best, and knowing His will gives you the strength to make the right choice.

Making the right choices come from knowing and implementing God's word and will for you. We need to make choices according to the word of God. We are special people with an all powerful God who gave us his love letter which is the Bible. Many unbelievers read this too, but they hardly understand anything and even if they do they do not apply it in their lives. God has given us his word the Bible to live according to it for his glory. He gave us the Holy spirit to understand what it says.
Samson had everything he wanted. He knew the true God. But yet made wrong choices and chose his own way but ultimately it lead to death just as it is written in Proverbs 14:12 - " There is a way that seems right to a man, but in the end it leads to death."
When we knowingly make decisions that are contrary to God's word, we are opening ourselves to trouble. To make the right choices in life , start getting to know God's word, which will guide you to make the right godly decisions you need to. And I assure you , you'll never regret that choice you made. Because right choices lead to a right living. And we live for Christ because he gave his life for us.

Hi. Thank you for reading this chap. Now we have come to the end of our journey with Joseph from the pit to the palace. Am still waiting on God for the next biblical character we need to ponder and meditate upon. If you have any suggestions do let me know. I hope this chap was a blessing to you as a guide to take the choices of your life in the light of the word. Please pray for my health and studies. Let me know your prayer requests too so I can also pray for you. Have a blessed week ahead.!! Love you all in Christ for the constant support and love. I really made some very good friends on wattpad. You all readers are constantly in my prayers. 🙏

Stay Blessed!

Stay Wow!

Shirley ❤💫

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