Chapter Forty Four

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Night has fallen, and we are standing by the fence, just inside camp. We look over at the grounders camp right outside ours where a majority of them are holding up torches, and a few are setting up a high tree log. "What is that?" Raven asks from beside Clarke, and I.

"It's for Finn," she explains. "They want us to watch."

Bellamy is standing beside me with Kane, and Abbey by his side. He leans towards Kane. "We're gonna get him. We'll get in close and we'll hit them hard."

"Son," Kaine says calmly. "There's thousands of them. Even if we could kill hundreds, they'd still wipe out this camp and your friend would still die."

"We have to try." Bellamy sounds like he is stuck in place. He wants to do everything he can to help, but what good is it when there is nothing he can do. I take his hand in mine, and look up at him. "You have already done everything you can," I tell him. He nods, but turns his eyes forward still a little sad.

"Abby," Raven says. "Abby, we have to do something."

"No, Raven," she says making Raven look over at where Finn will stand with tears in her eyes.

Clarke suddenly look over at Bellamy, and I before walking a few feet away signaling for us to come with her. "Take this," she says handing something over to Bellamy.

"What are you doing?" he asks.

"I'm gonna talk to the commander, " she explains while we walk further, and further away from the others. I can see Raven following us from behind.

"What else do you have to say?" I ask wondering what she is planning to say that is miraculously going to solve this.

"I don't know." She says frustrated before her steps come to a stop. "I don't know."

"Clarke," Raven says now that we have stopped. "Give me your hand." Clarke turns towards her, and reach out her hand. Raven looks around before sticking a small metal knife up Clarke's sleeve. "If she won't let him go, kill her." Clarke nods before looking down at her sleeve. "Things'll go crazy, and we'll grab you and Finn." Bellamy, and I look at each other before we look over at Raven slightly worried. "Clarke. You have to help him. I owe him my life."

Bellamy opens the door for Clarke, and within seconds she is outside, and he shuts the door. We walk back to our previous spots by the fence. "Do you think she can do it?" I ask Bellamy.

He looks at Clarke's moving figure. "No, but I know she will do anything she can."

"What is she doing?" Raven asks while Clarke is walking up to the commanders tent. Indra stops her with her spear, but when the commander steps outside saying to let her pass, Indra moves out of the way.

She walks over to the commander, but I can't hear what they are saying. Soon after they bring forward Finn whose hands are chained together. They tie Finn up while Clarke continues to talk to the commander. "Come on, Clarke. Do it," Raven says hoping she will kill the commander right then, and there.

Suddenly Clarke begins to walk towards Finn. She kisses him once she reaches him, and then says something that we can't hear. She brings him in for a long hug, but when she pulls back he is motionless. He is dead. Blood is staining her shirt, and everyone is quiet as they look at what she did.

"No!" Raven screams out with tears rolling down her cheeks. She screams no over and over as she falls to the ground. Thankfully Bellamy catches her, and holds her in his arms. As I look over at the scene before me I can't help, but feel a tear fall form my eyes as well.

Murphy walks up from beside me, and immediately brings me into his arms trying to shield me form the sight.

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