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Two days later, Jess and Mae had organised to meet each other, then go to the shopping mall and look for dresses. The Winter Formal was in 4 days, the day after the basketball game which the Liberty Team were desperate to win as a good start to the season.

Jess picked up Mae a little after 1 o'clock and they drove to the mall together. The car journey was filled with music playing on full blast, singing and laughing so hard that they couldn't breathe. Mae and Jess loved having each other as best friends, they were so similar that people thought they must have been friends since they were young but that wasn't the case.

"What do you want to wear?" Jess asked, wandering past different boutiques and shops. Mae pondered all different types and variations of dresses until she reached a firm conclusion, "Whatever's best" she shrugged. This cause Jess to laugh, "How did I know you would say something like that?" Mae started to laugh also, "Cause we're friends. You're predictable too, I can just about picture what type of dress you'll go for" Jess lead them into a small yet compacted boutique. Racks of clothes hung from the walls, providing a variety of dresses for all occasions in all colours imaginable.

They strolled around the store for a while, Jess picking up about 50 different dresses and as she did, Mae would laugh saying, 'I knew it' or 'How did I know it'd be that one?'. However, Mae still hadn't picked out one dress that she liked. It would be the first time she would be attending a big event with someone and not as a friend. She wanted to make sure that the dress she would wear was perfect. Zach had already told her that he was wearing a black suit and white shirt so that she could match anything with it, which she greatly appreciated.

Mae continued her routine: approach a rack, look at every dress and find a possible flaw. It was a fool proof plan, except it resulted in her not finding a dress. That was until Jess found the best rack. "Mae! Come here!" She exclaimed excitedly, waving her arms frantically to attract her best friend. Jess was stood beside a rack filled with dresses coloured black, maroon and grey. "Oh Jess, these are incredible" Mae grinned, dashing closer to the dress rack and skimming through. "How about this one?" Mae asked, holding up a maroon dress. "Definitely, let's try them on" Jess nodded.

Mae sat on a sofa in the changing rooms while Jess dashed in and out from behind the curtain, each time wearing a different dress from her stash that she had picked up. Finally, they had decided on the perfect dress for Jess (hahah that rhymes)
At last, it was Mae's turn to try on her one dress which she prayed looked good. She changed quickly, listening to Jess telling her to 'hurry up, I'm excited to see' until she was changed. The maroon dress was off the shoulder with flowery patterns around the collar. The tight material hugged her figure and the dress finished above her knee. In simple terms, the dress looked perfect on her. "I'm done" she said, opening the curtain and exiting the single cubicle. Jess' jaw dropped in awe, "You look amazing!" She cheered, bouncing up and down, "You have to buy it!"


Hours later, Mae lay on her bed completing a piece of algebra homework. The equations absorbed her, so much so that she didn't notice her mother enter the room. "What's this for?" Lindsey asked, advancing closer to the maroon dress that hung up on Mae's closet door. "The Winter Formal" she replied, setting down her pen and calculator. Lindsey smiled and awed, "It's gorgeous! Who else is going?" Mae sat up and crossed her legs, "Everyone, Jess is going to pick me up and we're going to meet Zach and Justin there" she answered. "When is it?" Her mother inquired, still admiring the dress. "Friday, the day after the basketball game" Mae nodded, closing her algebra book.

Mae and Lindsey discussed the dance and the game until Mae was too tired to speak. "Night mum" she yawned as Lindsey left the room. After that, she got into pyjamas and went to sleep, anticipating school the next day.

Sorry my chapters are kind of short, most are under 1000 words but I think one has been 1400. I've been writing parts in the day when I've been off wifi so some may be a bit rushed. I'm trying my best :)

Btw, things may not make sense contextually because I'm from England and the school system is really different. High school in England is 11-16 and we have college afterwards which is equal to high school in America. Apologies is you don't get where I'm coming from

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