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The day of the game came slower than expected. Everyone was so excited that time just felt like it was going slower. Like when it's almost Christmas and time seems to be going so slow just to piss you off. But when the game day came, there atmosphere was buzzing with excitement.

Mae sat in communications class, bored out of her wits as Mrs Bradley banged on and on about something or other. She turned back to see Zach smiling at her from a few tables away. How many times she wished that they were sat closer to each other but they were still so far away. Mae finally came to the conclusion that she needed a break from the class, "Mrs Bradley, could I be excused?" Her teacher nodded so she hoisted her bag over her shoulder and exited the classroom. She wandered the halls for a good couple minutes before whipping her phone out of her bag and checking the time. There were 10 minutes of the lesson left meaning she could probably skip the remainder of Peer Communications.

Her phone background was a photo of her and Zach after a previous cheer rehearsal where she wore her cheer uniform and he wore his basketball kit. Smiling to herself, she didn't notice her boyfriend stroll up to her. "Guess who?" He said, holding his hands over her eyes. "Hmmm...I don't know. Looks like I have to find out" she shrugged, moving his hands from her face but keeping her eyes closed. She began tracing his facial features with her finger, "No this simply won't do, I can't tell" she huffed. She then proceeded to plant kisses on his face before he hugged her close and kissed her back deeply. "Oh hello Zach" she laughed, opening her eyes and breaking the kiss momentarily. However, Zach took the privacy of the empty halls as a chance to continue, deepening the kiss. Their lips synced again and his tongue traced Mae's bottom lip as an ask for entrance. She parted her mouth and allowed his tongue to slip in. This continued for a few seconds until Mae began to back towards a bathroom door, "In here" she spoke through kisses as the pair entered the girls' bathroom.

Zach placed his hands under her bum and muttered, "Jump" allowing Mae to wrap her legs around him as he backed them against the wall. Her hands found their way to the back of his head where she laced her fingers into his hair, playing with the strands as they continued to make out. They broke the kiss momentarily, allowing them both to slip off their shirts and throw them into a nearby sink which was hopefully dry. In that moment, the whole world had stopped and all that mattered was their grip on each other. Their bodies were as close as they could get, Zach's muscular chest pressed against Mae, pushing her firmly against the wall. Mae didn't even care that the wall was cold to the touch, all that she could think of was Zach, and how lucky she was that they were skipping a lesson to make out.  Suddenly, the bell sounded, announcing the end of the lesson. They broke their kisses sadly, both dashing to the sink to put their shirts back on in case anyone came in. "Take that as good luck for the game tonight" Mae said after she slipped her shirt back over her head. "I will, and hopefully this can be continued" Zach smirked, heading to the door. "Shit, this is a girls' bathroom. I'm gonna look like some pervert leaving here" he pouted, backing away from the door. "Come on, I'll hold your hand so they know why you were here" Mae smiled, pecking his cheek. "This is why I love you" he smiled back, kissing her forehead lightly and opening the bathroom door.

As they left, some people didn't even notice them but their friends who noticed them both leave the class, spotted them straight away. The pair filed through hundreds of students until they reached Zach's locker where Justin, Jess, Alex and Bryce were waiting. "We heard from Justin that the pair of you mysteriously left Communications" Jess said, her lips curling into a smirk. Justin, who already had a giant smirk asked, "What did you get up to?" Zach and Mae both grinned, "What we got up to is private, Foley. Unless you're a pervert" Mae said causing the group to laugh.

They stood and talked for a few minutes until the second bell sounded, meaning they had to go to their final lesson. Mae had French and since no one she was with except from Bryce was in that class, they walked together. "You know, Zach's a lucky man" Bryce said as the two walked together. "And I'm a lucky lady" Mae laughed, missing her boyfriend. Bryce inched closer to her body, "You'd be even luckier if we had some private time" he smirked causing Mae to move away from him. "Stop being stupid" she sighed.

Bryce continued to smirk and talk dirty to her the whole way to French which seemed to be never ending that day. The lesson went surprisingly quickly compared to the previous one which Mae celebrated.


The lesson came to an end and the students began leaving the room. Bryce walked behind Mae who stopped at the door to avoid being hassled by passing students. He stopped behind her and before she could stop him, he moved his hand down and groped her ass. "What the fuck, Bryce?" She yelled, moving away. However he closed the gap between them and groped her again, "Sorry, I just don't think it's fair that Zach gets your stunning ass" he grinned. "It shows a lot about you if you have to grope a girl to get her attention" Mae growled stepping out of the room. He followed and decided to step it up a notch. He spanked her ass, which made her lose it. She speed walked away, tears spilling from her eyes. Zach was all she needed and wanted right now. She missed him more than ever and just wanted to curl up into a ball and hide in his embrace.

At last, she reached her locker, trembling fingers unlocked it and she hid her head inside, trying to conceal her tears. "Hey babe" Zach said, smiling as he wandered over to her side. His smile instantly dropped when Mae turned around crying. "Oh my god, are you okay? What happened?" He asked worriedly, hugging her closely. His shirt dampened as her tears were absorbed by it, "Bryce. He did things" she cried which cause anger to fill Zach. "What did he do? I swear I'll kill him if he hurt you" Mae shook her head, "He groped me, twice. Then he spanked me" she sobbed, clinging to Zach for dear life. He began to rub her back and he kissed her forehead. "Don't tell anyone, please Zach. I'm too embarrassed" she said, looking up at him. He nodded, "If that's what you want. But I don't want you any where near him, especially alone" Mae smiled weakly and snuggled her head into Zach's chest, "I love you" her voice was muffled but Zach still heard it. "I love you more" he replied, still rubbing her back softly.

"Hey Big Z!" Justin cheered, strolling up to them, "Fancy a quick practice before the game tonight?" He asked. His happy expression was replaced by worry when he saw Mae's tear stained face. "Oh shit, Mae what's wrong?" Her and Justin had always been good friends so she nodded at Zach, allowing him to tell. She felt comfortable enough for him to know. After Zach explained, Justin became vexed, "I'll break his dick off, I'll snap his head off" he threatened. "Shh, you two can't tell anyone" Mae whispered, "I don't want people knowing" Justin, who was hesitant to let Bryce get away with this, finally agreed to keep it quiet.

I'm trying to update this a lot so there's an actual story and its not short

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