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Thank you so much for 1000 reads! Here is a kinda long chapter which focuses kind of on the friendship between Mae and Alex because I felt like I hadn't really done that thoroughly. There are still parts with Mae and Zach so please don't be mad. I will have a new part published hopefully tomorrow :)


Filtering through the curtains, the warming rays of sun woke Mae who lay curled into the blankets of her bed. She recalled the previous night: the car, Clay, then waking up on a patch of grass in Zach's arms. She remembered Alex stroking her face, what he used to do when she was upset as a young child. She fidgeted with her fingers, hating the fact that she couldn't stay mad at Zach, no matter how hard she tried. He had hurt Clay right in front of her which stayed in the back of her mind beside the memory of waking up and feeling secure in Zach's embrace. How tightly his arms held her, like if she was hurt, he would never forgive himself.

Now fully awake, she attempted to move in her double bed. Her attempts were futile as she saw the dark locks of hair over someone's forehead. It was Zach, asleep, in her bed. Checking herself for clothes, she realised that she was wearing pyjamas. She gently lifted the covers to check Zach. Luckily, he was dressed in a pair of boxers, just a pair of boxers. She sighed happily as she gazed lovingly at her boyfriend while he slept peacefully. His eyes opened briefly, causing a timid smile to creep onto his face. His arm snaked around Mae's waist beneath the covers, pulling her close into his chest. "I'm sorry you had to see what happened yesterday" he muttered, kissing her forehead. She kissed his nose in return, "It's fine. Thank you for sorting things out afterwards" The pair lay together, absorbing the comfortable silence until Zach spoke up, "You know your mum was surprisingly okay about letting me sleep in your bed. Alex explained everything" he said, Mae's eyes fluttering open. The ocean blue in them glimmered as the sunlight bounced around the room. "Thanks for staying. I love you" she smiled, placing a hand on his cheek and caressing his cheekbone with her thumb.

After ten minutes of hugs and kisses, Mae's mum knocked on the bedroom door. "Come in" Mae spoke, her voice still scratchy. Lindsey opened the door slowly to reveal the two teenagers looking at her. "Breakfast in 15 minutes. Zach, feel free to stay if you like" she smiled. Zach nodded in reply, "I'd love to Mrs Arthurs" and with that, she left the room.

Mae forced Zach to leave the room while she dressed herself since he had a habit for staring. (Outfit image at the top) Afterwards, she exited the room to find him waiting outside, dressed in his clothes from the night before. "We can go to yours. I trust you have your car here" she spoke as they walked downstairs. Zach nodded and held her hand, "Yeah, Alex dropped it off last night"
Mae loved that Alex and Zach were good friends. It made everything easier that they were, knowing that they could talk and keep themselves entertained if she ever left.

Breakfast flew by as Mae's parents got to know Zach. He thoroughly enjoyed the conversation about his aspiration of becoming a marine biologist. Matt recommended the best colleges where Zach could get the qualifications to have that job and still play varsity basketball. Mae's parents were lovely, kind and caring and this gave Mae hope that meeting Zach's family tonight at dinner may be okay.


An hour later, Mae and Zach waited in the hallway with Justin and Jess. They had been to Zach's house, allowing Mae to speak with Mrs Dempsey while he changed outfits. She was quite nice when you broke her shell. Mae was actually excited to go to the dinner tonight and meet the rest of Zach's close family, especially his younger sister Sara.

The four friends stood chatting about the tapes until Alex arrived. "Mae, do you feel better now?" Alex asked, walking over to the lockers that they were surrounding. Mae nodded and smiled, "Yeah, Zach told me you and Justin helped a lot so thank you" Jess raised her brows in confusion, signalling that she hadn't been informed of the incident from the night before. "What are you guys on about?" She asked. Justin explained earning gasps from Jessica. "Oh my god, why didn't you tell me sooner?" She inquired, hugging her best friend sympathetically. Mae laughed, "Honestly Jess, it was just claustrophobia" which allowed Jess to ease up. "Mae, I forgot to tell you that I'm moving to your French class" Alex said, allowing the others to continue with their chatter. Mae smiled widely and swatted her hands in excitement, "Really?! Why?" She asked. Alex laughed at her silliness and mimicked her movement, "Because the group I was in was too easy for me. Oh my god, fabulous I know!" He teased. Mae giggled and adjusted her bag strap over her shoulder. The bell alarmed letting the students know that first period was starting. "Speaking of French, let's go" Mae nodded before kissing Zach goodbye and heading to the class with Alex.

It was a relief to have one of her best friends with her. She only ever had Bryce and he was the last person she wanted. Her smiled never faded as she talked with Alex on the way to their class. She loved when he laughed, it was quite the spectacle. He did it rarely, especially after what happened with Hannah and the tapes, but when he did it was marvellous. His cheeks created dimples and his laugh could put anyone in a good mood. She enjoyed his company a lot and was excited to spend French with him.

As they entered the room, the teacher ushered Alex to the only empty chair: on Mae's table. He grinned as he waltzed over, "Ugh not you again" he groaned, plopping himself on the chair. "Why do you have to sit here? The bin would suit you better" she followed suit before they both laughed again. Bryce looked to their table, shocked to see Mae laughing in that class.  She was usually as quiet as a mouse in that corner, rarely making a noise other than the turning of her page or the click of her pen. Alex was one of the people who didn't even have to try to cheer her up, just having them around benefited her massively.

The class came to a close, allowing everyone to exit the room. Alex and Mae were still beside each other as they discussed the happening the night before. "I have never seen Zach like that before" Mae shook her head, remembering the thought which she tries to bury six feet under the ground. "It's terrible what Justin wants to do. He's just paranoid about the tapes" Alex replied as they wandered outside of the language block and outside. Leaves rustled through the faint breeze that whisked away the remainder of autumn. "I can't believe I ever did that to her. I left her" Mae sighed while they walked to the cafeteria. "Don't hold it against yourself. People did much worse and friends always move on. It's not like you were mean to her" Alex reasoned, the cafeteria door coming into view. Mae nodded, "Like Bryce. I didn't believe it at first but now things have happened that made me think otherwise" Alex gave her a look of perplexity which made her remember that she never told Alex about the thing with Bryce. She explained quickly to avoid her embarrassment. "Oh my god" Alex whispered, gently hugging her. "How can a person be that repulsive?" He sighed, stroking Mae's cheek. It always cheered her up and was the trick that Alex had mastered from when they were younger. "Don't tell. Only you, Zach and Justin know" she warned, opening the cafeteria door and walking over to the table which was taken by their friends.


Hours later, Mae stood in front of her closet. The meal with Zach's family was in two hours, giving her enough time to change and get ready. She scanned through dress upon dress, trying to find the one that would guarantee a perfect first impression. Something flattering but not too showy. Something not too colourful to avoid drawing attention to herself. She continued to pull each dress off the rack until there was a mountain range of clothing piled onto her bed. Hope was lost as she went to grab another hanger. There was nothing. She had gone through everything and she hadn't found the right dress. That was until she caught sight of fabric on the floor of her closet. Her arm extended to grab the clothing which had been discarded from her pile. She held it up and realised that it was the perfect dress.

Zach Dempsey x OC ReaderHikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin