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Thank you for 2000 reads! Sorry this update is quite short, I'm super tired and have been ill for the past couple days. I was meaning to write this yesterday but I needed my rest. Here it is anyway. Hopefully I will have the next chapter up tomorrow.


Zach woke the next morning with a yawn. His face was inches away from the corner of his bedside table, startling him to move back. He felt something press against his back and turned to find Mae asleep. Her eyes were closed peacefully and her hair was in the style from the night before, except a lot messier. Careful not to wake her, Zach stroked the curls from her face and gently placed a kiss on her cheek. This caused her eyes to flutter open before she smiled tiredly. "Morning, babe" the boy smiled. Mae's smile grew as she remembered that she had slept at Zach's house. "Good morning, love" she yawned.
"Did we do it?" Zach asked anxiously, looking into Mae's dazzling blue eyes. Mae peered under the covers to see that neither of them were clothed. "Yep" she nodded. Zach wrapped an arm around her and pulled their bodies closer to each other. "I'm glad we did" he smiled, "I love you". Mae kissed him deeply before pulling back and breathing the words, "I love you" back to him.


An hour later, Mae stood waiting outside her own house in her dress from the night before. Her mother opened the door, "Morning sweetheart" she greeted warmly, allowing Mae to enter the house. Lindsey waved at Zach who was sat in his car waiting. He waved back and smiled. He couldn't stop thinking about what happened: they actually did it. After saying they would as well. After they sat and ate dinner with his family.

Minutes later, Mae was dressed in a black cropped t shirt which had scalloped edges and a pair of blue jeans. Her feet adorned a pair of black ankle boots. Not having a lot of time had resulted in her hair being left in the style from yesterday except a bit tidier. "How do you always look so beautiful?" Zach asked quietly which May struggled to hear as she strapped the seatbelt over her chest. He started up the car and they drove to school. The radio played quietly until a girly pop anthem began. Zach turned the volume up and began to sing along goofily, "This obsession is getting out of control" Mae laughed, turning the volume up further and beginning to join him. Soon they were both laughing while they simultaneously belted out the lyrics. Pulling into a parking space, they decreased the volume and regained their breaths. "You're getting way better" Mae complimented as she stepped out of the car. Zach scoffed and wrapped an arm around her waist, "Even better than you" he bragged. She shook her head in dismay. "Is that a challenge, Dempsey?" She questioned, raising a brow. "Indeed it is, Arthurs" he nodded confidently. Mae blinked a couple times before exclaiming, "Last one to my locker loses!" and sprinting to the doors. "There is no way you're winning!" Zach yelled back as he laughed and dashed after her. Surprisingly, her legs carried her swiftly to the door, allowing her to fling it open. Her boyfriend followed behind, ducking through the large door after her. He was inching closer until he over took her and pelted the last metres to Mae's blue locker. Mae arrived seconds later, a smug grin plastered on Zach's face. "Looks like I won" he said nonchalantly, "I think I need my prize" Mae stood on her tiptoes and placed an indulgent kiss upon Zach's lips. When she stepped down, he pouted and held her hand.

"Care for a walk?" Mae asked, heading down the hall. Zach nodded and followed, placing her delicate hand back into his own. Their fingers laced together once again as they strode out of the school. Sun rays beat down onto the school, Mae's eyes lit up at the sight of sunshine. "No more cold weather I hope" she smiled, "Outdoor cheer practice is way better"
This cause a look of bewilderment to form on Zach's face, "You would rather stand outside and risk getting sunburn than stay inside with me?" He frowned. Mae kissed his cheek and shook her head, "You could come outside too. That'd make the experience a hell of a lot better" she planted another kiss on his jaw. He turned his head and kissed her neck lovingly, "I'd miss you too much if I didn't" he spoke.

Rumbling and shouting was heard from a distance. Mae and Zach, both confused and curious, followed the sound to see the ruckus. It was Montgomery. And Alex. Mae's mind struggled to find an explanation as to why her friend was wrestling a baseball player and more importantly, why he was losing. Mae pushed her way to the front of the circle with Zach's hand in her own firmly. He walked behind her until they halted. The fight was in full view, allowing Mae to see her friend being beat up more closely. Marcus Dole decided to approach them, everyone watching intently. "What the fuck?" Zach inquired, baffled by the actions of the two boys. "This is not good" Marcus said, his voice quavering. Mae grasped Zach's arm and Monty violently punched Alex's face while his arms held him against the floor. "Oh my god" she shook her head in disbelief as she prayed for someone to swoop in and save him. After Montgomery landed a final punch on Alex's face, Mr Portman arrived. His arms waved frantically as he and other staff split up the two boys. "All of you, get to class!" He yelled, clearly fumed.

Alex and Monty were both released and instructed to go to the office. One thing was sure, Mae was definitely going to catch up with Alex later.

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