Author's Note

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I know how annoying these are shhh

firstly , I am so sorry that I haven't updated in over a week. I've been super busy with school and end of year exams and all that. However, I am now on half term starting tomorrow so updates may be rapid for the next week :)

Secondly, I have been getting some nice feedback which has pushed me to want to keep writing. Thank you for your votes and reads! They are greatly appreciated!

Thirdly, season two. IM. SO. EXCITED. Do I even have to say anymore about that?

Fourthly, i started a new instagram account with the same username as my Wattpad (roseqolded) and it'd be cool if you could check it out. It's just filled with pictures that I have collected and find to be aesthetically pleasing.

Last but not least, I really want to take requests off of you. If you have any ideas, any at all, about where this story could go, things that could happen or scenarios that could take place, feel free to comment them or message them to me. I will be sure to try and feature them and tag you so people know that it was your idea.

I have noticed the comment about my paragraphing be untidy. I know, I'm a messy person so I shall try to fix that for whoever pointed that out :)

Have a nice day, evening or afternoon wherever you are!

New chapter tonight maybe ;)))

Zach Dempsey x OC ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now