2: Get Back Out There

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Jughead's Pov:

There she was, I could never Imagine the day, That I would see Betty Cooper again. she still looked exactly the same, but her body filled out a little more. You could defiantly see that, she looked beautiful. Also a surprising fact was that her hair wasn't in a ponytail, it was curled and also a lot longer than it used to be when she was 17. 

But even from across the diner I could see her bright blue eyes, and it was like we were 17 again when she smiled at me. But, I soon realized why I was there in the first place. Oh shit.

"Hey honey", Maggie said walking into Pop's while also grabbing a hold of my hand. But, I couldn't stop myself from glancing back up at Betty to see her reaction, and when I did I saw surprise and something else that I couldn't put my finger on. 

I thought she would have just turned back around and pretended that she hadn't seen me, but I was surprised when she stood up and walked over to us. 

"Jughead", she smiled, I could tell that it was killing her though.

"Hey Betty, when did you get back", I asked trying to be polite and not say to much while Maggie was standing beside me. 

"Yesterday", She replied quickly before averting her eyes to Maggie. Oh yeah right. 

"Betty this is Maggie my-",

"Girlfriend", Betty cuts me off. I nod my head slowly, and for some reason find myself feeling ashamed for not telling her sooner.

"It's nice to meet you", Betty says while holding out her hand, Maggie doesn't seem startled instead she grabs a hold of Betty's hand and shakes it. 

"You too", Maggie smiles. 

"Umm, well I'll leave you two, I really need to get back home, big day tomorrow", Betty quickly says while trying not to make eye contact with me.

"Okay, we'll catch up soon", I find my self saying, and surprising enough Maggie didn't seem bothered, I think she has no clue to mine and Betty's past. For some reason that made me happy.

"Yeah, Bye", Betty forces a smile, and quickly walks over to pay Pop Tate to pay for her food, before pushing past us and leaving Pop's. For some reason just like the day she left for College, I wanted to run after her, but of course I didn't. 

"So our date", Maggie interrupts my thoughts by grabbing a hold of my arm and dragging me to a booth. 


Betty's Pov:

God I'm so stupid to think that we could just go back to how things were. Ugh I hate myself, and whats even worse is for some reason I didn't completely hate Maggie. 

Once I got back home, I went into my old bedroom and unpacked some things. Trying to busy myself so I wouldn't completely have a nervous break down. But when I see the little gold necklace I had tucked away, I com-bust. The tears sting my cheeks as I fall down to the carpet beside my bed. Gosh I thought I was done crying because of Jughead, looks like that's not happening anytime soon. 

What was I thinking coming back to town, and just thinking everything could go back to normal.But it can't people grow apart, people change. So I don't know why this hurt so much, I mean I dated. But lucky enough for Jughead he didn't have to see me with a different guy. But of course I have to be unlucky and see him with Maggie. 

After what seemed like Hours, but was more than likely minutes I finally stood up and decided a shower would be good. 


Endless Love (Bughead) (Sequel to Unconditional Love)Where stories live. Discover now