9: Just Maybe,-

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Betty's Pov:

"J-Jug what are you doing here so late", I find myself blurting out, pulling my cardigan around my body, in order to cover myself up a little. 

"I told you, I broke up with Maggie", he responds sitting down beside me on my bed. 

"Juggie, when I told you that I wouldn't be with you until you weren't with Maggie anymore, I didn't necessarily mean 10 minutes after", I turn my body to face him, crossing my legs in front of me and grabbing a pillow to place in my lap. 

"I know, It's just I couldn't wait any longer. I've been wanting to kiss you since I saw you at Pop's the night you returned. You've been driving me crazy," He explains bringing a hand up to cradle my cheek, that was already heated with a blush because of his confession. I can't deny that I hadn't been thinking the same thing though when I saw him again. 

"Are you sure this is good, I mean it hasn't even been a day", I ask meeting his eyes. 

"Betts, I've been waiting 4 years. It's been long enough", He replies. Scooting in closer to where his knees met mine. His other hand rests on my neck pulling me closer, and I swear I thought I was going to have a heart attack. Instead of his lips resting on mine, they land on my ear. There he peppers kisses and slowly makes his way down my neck, to my collar bone. The entire time, I hold my breath unable to really process all of it. 

A sigh leaves my mouth, when he nibbles his way back up until he gets to my jaw. I'm surprised when he doesn't directly kiss me after. Instead he pulls away slightly to meet my eyes. His were already filled with lust, his pupils dilated with a heavy gaze. I look down to his lips while I lick mine. Gosh he sure knows how to tease me. 

"Are you going to kiss me already", I find the words leaving my lips, while i'm in my haze. His mouth forms into a smirk when he realizes what I had said. 

"Oh, I thought you said it was too soon", He rolls his eyes, while dragging his hand up to my ponytail to jerk it out of it's holder. The simple little action, causes my stomach to fill with molten lava. Completely waking me up. 

"Ugh, shut up and kiss me," I mutter before I sit up on my knees, pulling him up with me. He seems a little shocked by my forwardness, but like he said we've waited 4 years. 

I feel his lips hover over mine for a second, then they're on mine. Bringing back all of our memories. Every single kiss, touch, caress. I didn't know how much I really needed this, until now. 

His hands come up to rest on my waist, bring me closer to his body. Mine hover over his beanie, before I quickly pull it off, discarding it to the floor beside my bed. Then they tangle themselves in his hair. Our tongues soon meet in a fervid kiss. Igniting my body with flames, just as I've always remembered it. How can something this simple, feel so amazing. 

We kiss, clash, and caress each other until we're bare. Under the covers of my bed, that are still pink and flowery. It's just like being a teenager again. 

His hand comes up to hold one of my breast, while I pull at his lower back, bringing him as close to me as possible. As I wrap my legs around his waist, his lips meet mine again. There they fight for dominance. 

We work up the energy between us, just like we had mastered years before. Making us both react in the same way. I sigh into his mouth as our hips meet, causing friction there, earning a groan from him. Who hovered over me, not once letting his eyes leave mine. The entire time I can't seem to stop thinking about our first time, and how much different it it now. The first couple times it was awkward and we were unsure of what to do. 

Now, it was completely different. Absolutely amazing. It couldn't get any better than this. My eyes squeeze shut as I feel the molten lava in the pit of my stomach build up faster. Causing our movement to get sloppier. Stars are behind my eyes lids, as I feel the climax hit me. I shudder under him, and soon after he follows. Having trouble staying upright. 

When we're both done, his lips land on mine once more. Before he rolls off of me, pulling me close to him. To where I lay on his chest, taking a moment to myself so I can start breathing properly again. 

"I'm so in love with you", I whisper, as I lean up to hover over him. A bright smile appears on his face as his hand comes up to wipe my hair off my sweaty forehead. 

"I'm so in love with you too," He replies, pulling my down on top of him. Our lips meet again, this feeling will never get old. I love him too much. 

As I lay in his arms that night, I dream of 4 years ago. To the summer after our senior year, how we would spend the entire day out by sweet water river. Laying in the bed of his dad's old truck, that now belongs to him. 

How we would stay there until the sun set, but instead of going home we would both end up falling asleep. That summer was the best moments of my life, and I'll never forget them. 

It's times like these, that make me wish. Just maybe, if the baby hadn't died. 




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