7: Did You Ever Think, That you Made Me Happy

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Betty's Pov:

"Don't Jughead me, Betty... W-what did you just say", He asks again, causing everyone's eyes to widen, including mine. I shallow the lump in my throat that had returned before saying. 

"Can ya'll give us some space. I have to tell Jughead something".

All of their eyes stay on me for a minute, unsure if it's good to leave us alone. but they all soon leave shutting the door. Causing the room to be surrounded by silence. Other than the heavy breathing I was doing already.

"Jug, t-there's a lot I haven't told you," I mutter not making eye contact, turning my body to where it was straight in front of Jughead, who had just sit down in the chair that my mother was previously at. 

"What happened Betty", he asks with narrow eyes, damn it he's already mad. 

"When I left for college.... I had.. no idea, that I was pregnant. But one day I was in class and my stomach started hurting really bad. And, w-when I got home there was blood so I just assumed that I had started my period, but-" I stop not being able to say it all at once. The tears that had always been there all day and night leaked out onto my cheeks again, and I looked up to meet his eyes. They were already wide with uncertainty, and surprised to what I had already confessed.

"But, what", He demands, causing me to flinch.

"But, the pain didn't stop... so I went to the hospital and they told me that I had been pregnant but, I-I had a miscarriage. I didn't know Jug.... I had n-no idea that I was pregnant at all", I cry, everything was blurry but I could see Jughead's face soften with the realization of it all. 

"We were pregnant," He whispers, causing my head to jerk up.

"Yes, we were..... But, Jug that's no all", I sob. His eyes get hard again, causing me to shudder at the anxiety that was building up in the pit of my stomach. 

"After that happened, I couldn't take it. It killed me inside knowing that I had been pregnant and didn't know about it . I thought everything was my fault, that it was my fault that I had a miscarriage.....So I-I tried to, K-Kill myself", I mutter looking down again, scared to meet his eyes this time. 

"w-what," He stutters, and when I look back up again I see a tear roll down the side of his cheek. No don't cry. 

"Why didn't you tell me," He yells, causing me to flinch and edge myself backwards on the bed again. 

"Because, I thought you didn't need to know, because I'm an idiot.....who wanted to deal with it all on my own. I didn't want to drag you into all of this," I speak up standing from the bed and pacing back and forth in front of it.  Realization comes to his face suddenly.

"Would you have told me, if you found out you were pregnant but you didn't have a miscarriage", He finally says something, while walking over to stand in front of me. 

"Of course, you know if I stayed pregnant I would have told you," 

"Why didn't you tell me once you got back, about all of this", He questions looking me in the eye. I can see more tears well up in them, and it hurts my heart so much knowing that I'm the cause of them. 

"Because, you're with Maggie. I'm not ruining something that makes you happy, just because of something that happened in the past," My eyes harden.

"You were just protecting me right", He laughs, with tears still rolling down the side of his cheeks.

"Yes, actually I was. Because Jug you and Maggie seem so happy with each other. You need to be with someone who makes you happy, I wasn't going to ruin that. What don't you get about that", I yell at him, trying to get him to really hear me, it seems like he doesn't believe me about something. 

"Did you even stop once to think that you make me happy," He suddenly says causing me to stop in my tracks, and my body to stiffen. 

"W-what did you... just say", I mutter feeling my heart stop at his out burst. 

"Did you ever think, that I still loved you. Or that I had been waiting for you to come back, because you make me happy", He admits grabbing a hold of my arms. 

"Jug, we can't. You can't...... you're with Maggie," I whisper, but mostly my mind was on the thought that he was touching me. Causing the same tingles to run down my body, that he always used to cause.

"I know, but every time I see you.... I can't stop my mind to wandering to old memories. Or how beautiful you looked last night, or how much you just smiling.. still affects me every time you do it," He breathes down my neck, stepping closer to me where I can feel his body heat radiating over to me. I take a deep breath before saying. 

"I know Jug, but you deserve to have so much more than me. I'm messed up so much, that's why I'm in this place to begin with", I whisper bringing my hand up to gesture to our surroundings.

"Don't you get that I like complicated, if it means being with you," He replies, grabbing a strand of my hair that had been in my face and tucking it behind my ear, just like my mom had done earlier. My heart melts to the fact that he did it though.

"Jug, you don't know what your saying. Your confused your emotional right now, because of everything I just told you. You will wake up tomorrow morning and realize the mistake you made", I explain looking down at the concrete floor. If I keep making eye contact with him, i'll give in sooner than later.

"Gosh you are so stubborn", He chuckles pulling my chin up. 

He takes one more look into my eyes, before leaning into press a warm kiss to my cheek, then he is walking out of my room. Leaving me standing in the same place confused and trying to comprehend what just happened. I bring my hand up to my warm face placing it where he had just kissed me, which was still tingling. All I wanted to do was run after him. But of course I didn't.





Endless Love (Bughead) (Sequel to Unconditional Love)حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن