13: Everything is Coming Undone

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Jughead's Pov:

My phone ringing, brings my mind back to reality. I look up from my laptop, and dig into the front of my pants pockets searching for it. 

"Ronnie," I ask curiously through the phone. 

"Jug, she knows," is all I hear her reply, and I know what they're talking about. Shit, why did she have to find out this way.. goddammit I bet she hates me now. 

"Wait, so what happened," I ask in return, trying to process all of it.

"She came over, I guess right after ya'll had breakfast and just started asking questions and yelling and we had to tell her..She needed to know Jug," I hear a worried Veronica through the phone.

"I know, thanks for telling me...You and Arch need to go back to bed, don't worry I'll fix it," I exclaim, and after saying a few more things I'm ending the call and barging out of the blue and gold office..Heading to Betty's old home.


Betty's Pov:

"Honey...what's wrong," My mom's concerned voice follows after me. I shut the bedroom door behind me, but that doesn't stop her from coming in. 

"Elizabeth," She says, rubbing her hand down my back trying to sooth whatever feeling was overwhelming me right now. 

"What happened," she asks another question, confused to why I'm basically having a panic attack.

"Ya'll didn't tell me," Is the only thing I can mutter under my breath, putting my head in my hands and trying my best to breathe in and out. 

"What are you talking about," She questions grabbing a hold of my hands, stopping me from clinching my fists together. 

Again I don't reply, I just shake my head in disappointment and try my best to not make eye contact with her. It's her fault to, she could have told me. She had to of known. 

"How come, no one...Told me that Jughead, was a serpent," I finally ask looking over towards her, feeling the previous tears roll down my cheeks.

Her eyes widen with shock and before she can say anything else, I'm standing up to walk over towards my suitcase. 

"Where do you think you're going," her stern voice asks from behind me. 

"I'm not a kid anymore, I can go anywhere I want to..You have NO SAY IN WHAT I DO ANYMORE," I'm yelling by the end of my outrage, clinching my suitcase and slowly falling down to the floor beside it, the tears come faster now as if they're a waterfall. God I'm pathetic. 

"Honey," My mother says from above me, soon sitting she wraps her arms around me and pulls me to her. Rubbing circles on my back and whispering "It'll be alright,". 

"How can you say that...You have no idea what I'm going through," I exclaim pulling away slightly to harshly wipe the tears from my cheeks, and look down at my pink carpeted floor.

"What if I told you that I might," she whispers, causing my eyes to snap to her.

"What are you talking about,"

"When I was a teenager, before I met your father...I lived on the south side," She admits meeting my eyes with a sad smile.

"Wait..you were a-" I ask, my eyes widening with realization.

"Serpent, yes I was," She replies, standing up and walking over to my door.

"Where are you going," I ask in confusion, also standing to follow her. We're soon reaching the attic door, causing my mind to wander to a million different things.

"Mom," I say, trying to get some answers but all she does is keeps walking.

The attic smells like dust and insulation. I look around the small room, trying to think about all of the old memories that are more than likely stored in these boxes. 

"Betty," My moms voice echo's through the room bringing me back from my thoughts. I look over at her, and see her holding a jacket. More specifically a south-side serpent's jacket.

"Wait, so this was yours," I question walking closer to her, rubbing my hands along the cool surface of the leather. 

"Yes, and I..want you to have it," She surprisingly enough, hands it to me. 

"But..why would I need it, I'm not becoming a serpent," I explain, causing a chuckle to escape her lips. 

"I never said you had too, I just think it'd be nice for you to have.." she smiles while leaning into wrap an arm around my shoulder. I look down at the old jacket, the logo and the snake are all there. And, for some reason it brings me comfort knowing that my mother shared this with me.

"I can't take it..It means to much to you..It's yours," I shake my head trying to hand it back to you. But she quickly disagrees.

"No, it was only a memory and I want to give this memory to you now, you're young and in love and this jacket is a metaphor for that..For being in love and reckless and young," She smiles down at it. 

"Wait so you were in love then," I raise my eyebrows at her.

"Yes I was, and you'd be so shocked if you knew who it was with," She laughs, pushing my loose hair behind my ears. 

"With who," I smile up at her.


"Wait really. you two-," I question in disbelief and then it makes me think, 

"Oh my god, so that would mean if you two had gotten back together..Me and Jughead would be brother and sister," I say in disgust.

Her laugh echos loudly, "Yes you would've but it was along time ago, hopefully you and Jughead stay together though, I'd like to call him my son in a different way sometime soon," 

"Did you basically just say you wanted us to get married," I laugh.

"Yes..yes I did..And I honestly see that every time I look at the two of you. What you two have..is rare, it only comes once in a lifetime and you have to hold onto that" 


"yes, so please don't let something this minor split you two up, this is only a memory it's not him in general...He's a person, who yes could've made some bad decisions but look, he loves you and you love him and he treats you amazingly so that's all that really matters," She explains leaning into kiss the top of my head and soon leaving me in the attic to stare down at the now beautiful leather jacket.


Walking back down the attic stairs, I walk back to my room. The whole time carrying the jacket and for some reason there was something in me that told me to put it on. So that's exactly what I did, while opening my bedroom door and entering. Staring down at the leather on me, that now didn't seem so out of place..It felt like it was apart of me, and it truly was. Everything leads back to my mom, and she was from the south Side..It all made so much sense to me now, why I never felt like our family and me in general fit into this side of town. 

"Betty", a familiar voice asks from in front of me. Snapping my eyes up from the jacket, I see a worried Jughead. and soon his eyes widen when he see's what I'm wearing.

"What are you wearing," he asks, standing from the bed and walking over towards me. 

"We need to talk," is my only reply.




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