Part 16

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Days had passed by the Goenkas except Kirti had left. Karthik took full care of Naira's burn. Before he left for Uni and she for school. Karthik used to make sure she had packed the ointment in her bag so that she could apply it any time she got the burning sensation. When they were at the orphanage after every 15 minutes he used to come and check on her and ask her if about her hand. He used to take utmost care of her. Naira had mixed feelings regarding his concern. She loved it when he cared for her but sometimes his over protectiveness used to irritate her.
"Naira what are you doing in the kitchen", he questioned
"Preparing lunch", she answered continuing to touch the vegetables.
She reached out to turn the stove on but what pulled back by Karthik. She gave him a what the hell is wrong with you look.
"I'll help, you have done all the work I just have to cook it", said Karthik stepping infront of the stove.
"What now I can't even cook. What do you think I can't take care of myself I will catch fire if I stand near the stove. Why are you being so damn protective. You suffocate me", she said annoyed pushed him out of way and ran out of the kitchen. Karthik felt bad for her, he knew he was being a pain. But he was selfish, whenever he closed his eyes the image of the care ride to the hospital came infront him. Though she hadn't screamed once, he remembered how hard she gripped his hand in her unhurt hand, her strong hold showed her pain. He remembered her teary puffy eyes when she opened them. He remembered the pain in her eyes. He couldn't go through all that again. He couldn't see her in pain.

It was night by now the two had talked after the kitchen incident. 0Karthik thought alot he realised in his want to protect Naira physically he was the one hurting her mentally somehow.
Karthik went out the front yard of the orphanage. He saw Naira sitting on the swing. That was her usual routine to swing staring at the sky for a while before going to bed. Karthik sat beside her.
"Am sorry", he said holding his ears.
Naira turned his face away from him, "for what", she asked.
"For being an extra protective idiot. I didn't want you to get hurt but somewhere I myself have ended up hurting you. Am sorry", he apologised.
"It is okay. Just next time don't do that I don't like being upset with my best friend", she told him with a smile.
Karthik was very happy when she said she forgave him. He immediately hugged her and whispered multiple thank yous in her ear. She was taken aback by his action. She felt at peace in his arms. She liked the feeling of his hands around her. She liked herself in his hold. A sense of completion filled them as they held each other closer to their hearts.
They broke the hug after some time. Both felt a bit awkward none of them said anything. Karthik went in, while Naira sat on the swing again.

"What the hell is wrong with me. How the hell could I just hug her like that of the blue. What must she be thinking. But she hugged back as well. So she must have not felt bad. Maybe am just over thinking", Karthik said to himself as he sat on his bed.

"Whatever, holding her close to my heart felt heavenly" Karthik said dreamily.

"Why was this so different. When ever a stranger would even touch me I would feel disgusted, but now I felt protected.", she thought while swinging.

"He isn't a stranger, he is your best friend", her inner conscience reminded.

"Yes but I don't feel like this when I hug Pungi or Kirti di, they are also my good friends.", she replied back.
"I felt so safe in his arms like I used to feel with my family before they broke my trust. But also there was something different, something special, something extra, my heart was racing, beating 10 times faster then usual. It was a weird feeling, that gave me a weird sense of happiness.", she said to herself.

"Maybe I should just forget these questions and enjoy the bliss. Remembering him holding me close to his heart.", she said to herself as she went back in the orphanage.

Kaira SS - Jamai RajaOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora