Chapter 1- She's Human

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The cafe was bustling with people; humans, vampires and werewolves alike running around trying to get to work in time, the sounds of little children in the street. Inside the cafe, there is a girl running around with a notepad in her hand, her luscious black hair up in a high puff and bouncing over her.

She rushed around taking orders oblivious to the sudden quiet, she delivers her last order only to see that the streets are quiet, the cafe eventually empties each customer pays their bill and leave her huge tips. She slowly turns around and watches the door hoping that she gets some more customers but sighs in disappointment before going to the kitchen.

That is when the sky gets dark and an eerie presence fills the room "Sade the vampire king is coming" is the only thing she hears before the door opens and they enter all taller than them and stronger they surround him blocking their view of the king.

She walks up to them her signature smile and notepad in hand "hello please have a seat and I will take your orders" they all nod at her but one she glares at her and lets out a small hiss, she stiffens and stands her ground glaring back at her "Ma'am if you cannot respect the staff you will have to leave"

The others watch and snicker a bit, but stop when a hand is raised "Let me see her" they part and watch. She looks up at him in complete and utter shock as he looks at her he looks deep in her eyes and then that one word came out of his mouth"mine" not only shocking him and his company but the twenty-two-year-old waitress in front of him who looks at him and hesitantly walks over to him standing in front of the king she watches him in the eyes and says the last thing on her mind "And what will be your order?"

His laughter fills the air as her face turns red with embarrassment she turns around to go to the kitchen to see all of the people on their knees bowing to her, she watches them in shock and very hesitantly walks back to the kitchen and starts preparing their meal with shaking hands.

 As he sat and watched her a rather sour-looking girl watches him and slowly states hoping to dissuade her king from his decision and chosen mate "My King your mate is human" he watches her in disgust and then asks "So what there is a tradition and she is my mate and I will not hurt her you need to learn your place"

As their dishes are placed on the table the angry female attacks her waitress "YOU TOOK HIM FROM ME!" instead of calling for help the petite brunette smiles at the girl before bringing her knee into the girls stomach then kicking her away she kneels down near the girl anger burns in her eyes as she says loud enough for everyone to hear.

"Leave and do not step foot in this cafe again", the other vampires watch her in astonishment and adoration she will be their future queen and she already proved that she is brave and strong and very confident.

Without knowing it she had not only gained the respect of her future people but she had also gained the respect and love of her mate, in the most surprising way. 

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