Big Brother

298 7 3

(Always Mark's POV, unless stated otherwise)

Today's the day! Today I get to give the 'baby of the family' away! I get to be a big brother! I'm so excited!

Let's just say that this is an 'oops' baby. Hehe, SURPRISE! And I took it better then dad thought, he thought I'd be mad, but I want somebody younger then me. Now that I'm 15, I can remember him or her growing up!

You have no idea how excited I actually am. My dad has told me numerios times to calm down, while my brother on the other hand does not care one bit. he's 18, so I could imagine he's not too happy.

Another thing I'm happy about is that I get to share a room with the new raskul! It was only fair, I'm the youngest right now!

I had the choice and go to the hospital and wait or stay home. I wanted to stay home, so I can at least be occupied.

Dad said when the baby is born hell call the house and tell me the gender, then soon come back home and pick me up. Tom's over at a friend's house, and he can drive himself.

I was expecting to have to wait hours. Everybody tells me that labors last a long time. But two hours after Dad and my step mom leaves, the phone starts ringing.

"Fischbach residents." We have to say that when we answer the phone.

"It's a girl!" I started to jump up and down. I can officially give over the baby of the family hat!


"Yup! I'm coming to pick you up soon, and we want you to pick her name!"

"Why me?"

"Well, when you were born, your mother and I let Tom pick your name. Only he still couldn't say 'm' so your nickname for a while was 'fark'."

"Wow.. Thanks dad!"

"Now start thinking of names because she needs a good one!" Dad hung up.

I ran upstairs to my room to grab a pen and paper. I ran back downstairs so I could sit at the dining room table and think of names.

Marie..Too common
Leslie..Bitch at school..

I sat back in my chair. Mikayla.. Mikayla.. I looked outside. It's morning.
Mikayla Dawn Fischbach.

As I thought of the name, my dad walked through the door.

"You ready?" He asked, with a hand still on the handle.

"Yup! And I got a name!" I walked up to him.

"Well? Tell me!"

"Mikayla Dawn Fischbach!" Dad smiled at me.

"That's a beautiful name!"

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