Violin Gal

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"Honey, go grab your violin, and play Mark a song!" My stepmom said to Kayla. She ran upstairs and came down with a small case. She opened it to reveal a beautiful violin.

"What song do you want me to play?" She asked me.

"What about.. Mary Had A Little Lamb?" I said whth a smile.

"Pfft, that's for newborns." She starts playing, and it sounds beautiful. It made me tear up a little.

"How long has she been playing?" I wisper to Dee.

"About two months! She catches on so fast!"  Her smile playing is so.. Heartwarming!

She ends playing, and looks at me.

"Did you like it?" Her smile was still big and bright.

"Did I? Of course I did!" Kayla put down her violin and hugged me.

"Why do I have the best big Brothers?"

"Because you're the best little sister imaginable!"

Mark's Sister~Markiplier Where stories live. Discover now