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I wake up to something I've been worrying about for a few weeks. Kayla vomiting.

I spring out of bed and ran to the bathroom. Kayla has her arm on the side of the toilet and her head on her arm.

"Are you okay? It didn't sound good."

"No, I'm fine. It's just the food I ate ten years ago coming out." She flushed the toilet and stood up. I got a box from under the sink and handed it to her. "A pregnancy test? Why the fuck do you have this?"

"Well, I have a little sister who is sexually active. I was going to tell you about it but I was afraid you were going to get scared." She stared at the box.

"How long have you had this?"

"A year. I bought one that doesn't expire for a few years." Kayla hugged me, then shooed me out of the bathroom.

I wait outside the bathroom, sitting on the floor, looking at twitter. The door opens, and Kayla has her eyes closed.

"I'm too scared to look at it. Will you look at it and tell me if it's positive or not?" I slowly walk into the bathroom, and look at the test on the counter. It's flipped over, so my shaking hand flips it right side up.


I sigh, trying to find the best way to tell her.

"It's positive.." She looks at me, with tears forming in her eyes. I grab her and bring her into a hug, trying not to cry myself.

"I can't do this.." She sobs into my shirt. My hand gets tangles in her long brown hair.

"You have options. You don't have to do it,  you just have to do your research. I will support you on whatever you decide is best for you. And if you don't want me telling anybody, I won't. It will be our little secret." She smiles.

"My mind went directly to.. abortion.."

"And that's completely understandable! You're so young.. I don't want you to make a wrong move."

"I do want to have kids, when I'm ready. I want to get married, I want to be able to go to school! I want to experience life before I have a baby of my own. I'm not even done high school, and I have the best mark's in all of the girls. All 20 000 of them."

"You sure you want to get an abortion?" She nodded yes. "I'll make a few phone calls, and I will see what I can do." I kissed the top of her head.

Mark's Sister~Markiplier Where stories live. Discover now