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Sitting editing a video that will go up tomorrow, my phone started ringing. It was Dee.


"Hi Mark! Um.. We need to talk." I quickly save the file and stand up.

"Is everything okay?"

"Yes, everything's fine! Actually, Kayla just got a letter in the mail from the best school in the US!" I stopped and started to think.

"That's.. Evern School For The Gifted.. That's in LA! How the hell did she get in?"

"She did a state wide test and got the highest grade in the state out of girls! Now it's such a good opportunity, but I can't move out there with her."

"I'll take her! We all know that she bonded the best with me after Dad passed. She was such a Daddy's girl!" The line was silent.

"You're sure you'll take her? That means I will have to transfer all her custody rights to you, and you will have her until she goes to college!"

"All I have to do is go and get things for the spare bedroom. I'll make her feel like a princess!"


Kayla's plane just landed, and now I'm waiting for her, with a teddy bear. It doesn't take much to please her.

I see her with her small backpack, and of course she runs to me.

"Mark!" I pick her up and swing her onto my hip.

"How's my favorite girl?"

"What about when you get married? Won't she be your favorite girl?" I think for a second.

"You'll always be my favorite! My future wife will be married into the family, but you, are pure Fischbach blood!" I poked her nose, and she giggled. "Do you have any other luggage?"

"No, the rest is coming in by mail!" I smiled as we walked out of the airport. I already have a car seat for her, so that's easy.

"Where do you live?" She asked.

"Oh yeah! You've never been to LA! I'll show you our house, then tomorrow I'll take you on a tour of Los Angeles, how does that sound?"

"Good, but you didn't answer my question."

"Sorry.. I live in a nice house with a pool!"

"You have a pool! You gotta buy me pool floaties, then!" She laughed, and played with her teddy.

"You know, you remind me so much of Dad."

"I can't remember him.."

"I know sweetie, but you always have me! I promise I'm not going anywhere!"

Mark's Sister~Markiplier Where stories live. Discover now