Grade 6 Grad

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Kayla has not told anybody at her school that I'm her brother. Probably because she wants her friends to like her for her. 

"Kayla? Are you ready?" I yelled, adjusting my tie.

"Yeah! Be right there!" She walks downstairs.

"You're beautiful!" She smiled. "Now let's go!" She ran out the door, and I followed. She was so excited to allow me to meet her friends.

"The ceremony is at 6. the dinner afterwards is at 7." Kayla told me.

"Yes.. I know. You've told me ten times today!" Her school isn't far away from the house, so we'll get there fast.

"Why do I have to go to grad?" She asked me at a stoplight.

"You don't have to."

"I want to go home.." I smiled at her.

"It's because of me, isn't it."

"Well.. Yeah! If everybody finds out that my brother has millions of subscribers on YouTube, they'd want to know me to get to you! I know how my class works." I turned my car around. "Thanks."

"Hey, I love you, and if you don't want to have fake friends, don't."

Mark's Sister~Markiplier Where stories live. Discover now