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Kayla is 23 btw

Today is the day I've been waiting for for a long time. Kayla is bringing her girlfriend here to meet me. From what I know is that her name is Tiana. She's a year older than Kayla but looks younger. She grew up in Denver, and loves nature. Tiana is all that Kayla talks about, it's so adorable.

"You ready to meet her? Are you sure today is the right day because I just want this to go okay!" Kayla says pacing the living room.

"Kayla, it's fine! I'm fine, you're fine, we are all fine! You have nothing to worry about, I'm not going to do anything!" Kayla looks at me and sighs.

"But what if you don't like her?"

"Do you like her?"

"Oh yeah!" I smile at Kayla.

"Then that's all that matters! I just want you to be happy, and you definitely are happy!" I look up as I hear the doorbell ring. Kayla looks at me then nervously smiles. "Well? Your girlfriend is waiting at the door!"

I turn back to the stove to stir the pasta sauce that's for dinner. I asked Kayla what Tiana likes to eat and apparently it's a lot of pasta. I hear the door open and the two girls laugh and kiss.

"Mark? This is Tiana!" I turn around to see Kayla with a woman that suits her perfectly. Dark red hair, a touch of makeup, some white heels, and a blue summer dress.

"Nice to meet you, you sound like the best brother ever!" Tiana said as we shook hands.

"Well, I've only heard the best about you! Dinner is almost done, so make yourself at home!" I turn back around to continue cooking. Once it's done, I bring everything to the set table for all of us to eat.

"So, Mark. Do you have anyone special?"

"As in a partner? No, I haven't for a long time. When Kayla moved here with me a long while back, I kinda just stopped looking I guess."

"And you're okay with Kayla being with me?" I look at Tiana kinda confused.

"Why wouldn't I be? You seem like a wonderful woman, and all I want is for my little sister to be happy!" Tiana looks at Kayla.

"I was just asking because my family isn't really supportive in all of this. They've always wanted me to marry a man and have kids, and I tried to explain to them that I can marry her and we can still have kids, just not like a man and woman can. They just won't listen. That's why I moved out here, just to live my life the way I want to, and be happy!"

"Good for you! And I'm really sorry about your family, that must be super hard.. but you're apart of our family now, you're dating my sister, how much better can you get!"

We all continue to eat, sharing a laugh here and there. The more we talk, the more I realize that they are truly meant to be. It makes me happy to see Kayla finally happy. Finally

Mark's Sister~Markiplier Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora