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"Dress up as formally as you can tonight."
"Huh? Why?"
"We're eating out."

I looked up at the calendar on the wall to see what special event was happening today. Hmm, that's odd, it's not my birthday, nor my dad's or Youngjin's. Maybe he got promoted? Did Youngjin finally decide to man up and beat those bullies?

Did mom get back from the dead? Okay, too much horror movies watched.

Anyway, I cleaned up my notebooks and stationary on my desk after finishing my homeworks. And yes, I also do schoolwork other than fantasizing my dream boyfriends. Yep, boyfriend with an S.

Evening came, meaning I had to look for a formal outfit inside my dresser. Do I even have one?

Rummaging through my closet, I found nothing but oversized shirts and jogging pants which were too far away from what you'd call 'formal'.

Frustrated, I went to my dad's room to say an early apology for not going to eat out with them. Well, what else can I do? Wear these clothes to a fancy restaurant looking like a street gangster? Hell-to-the-no!

"Hey dad, I have somethi— woah." I was astonished by what I saw when I entered his room.
"D-dad, you look . . . amazing! Wow!" He turned around from the mirror and looked at my direction.
"What? Too amazing?" He boasted and I laughed.
"Seriously, dad, you look like one of those rich businessmen I see in K-dramas." Have I told you that I love Korean dramas? Well, now you know.

My dad was wearing a tuxedo matched with a red tie on his neck.

I noticed that he was struggling to tie it so I came closer and fixed it for him.

"What would I do without you?"
"Adopt a new daughter?" I answered and he chuckled.

As I finished his tie, he scanned me from head to toe.

"Hey, why aren't you in your dress yet?"
"Oh, about that . . ." I trailed off, rubbing my arm.
"Oh! Wait here!" He quickly opened the closet, almost making the large dresser dance on its own. After a few seconds, he came out, literally. It seemed like he was devoured by the dresser but then, as he stood up from his kneeling position, he held out a beautiful white dress.

"Gorgeous, right? It's your mom's."

When I was eleven, my mother was diagnosed with pneumonia. Youngjin was still an infant that time, that's why he still didn't know what was going on. And soon after eight months in the hospital, she died. I cried all day and night, praying that she would come back. But that's just how life goes, people come and go. Though, a mother has been always right there when we came into this world.

"Why are we eating out?" Youngjin asked from the backseat as I tried to do a light makeup on my face.
"Yeah, are we celebrating something special tonight?" I added.
"Kids, just wait and you'll see."

After half an hour in the car, we finaly arrived at the restaurant. The place was huge; bright lights everywhere, small trees and flowers of every kind lightening up the atmosphere, cute waiters serving you, oh, and don't forget about the food! Yes, it smells like heaven in here.

A server walked up to us when my dad told him about our reservations.

"Table for Mr. Choi Kangsoo." The server repeated as a waiter guided us to our table.
"Are they here yet?" My dad asked. He invited more people? Uh-oh.

We sat in our seats as my palms started sweating themselves. Is it me or is it really just getting hot in here? I hate myself for being like this, getting all nervous around people whom I don't know. But why should I care anyway? It's not like my dad invited the president or something.

"They're here." My dad stood up from his seat, walking over to a woman I've never met in my whole life. Has my dad been dating these days?

"Kids, this is Park Hyojin." My brother and I stood up and bowed respectfully. I eyed them both, my dad's arm was around her shoulders.

"Wah, they're so cute! Anyway, this is my son,"

My eyes shot wider as she revealed a boy behind her.

"—and I believe Seyoung had met him right?"
"Ne, Park Jinwoo ibnida!"

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