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Spring break

"Hey, do you have a mosquito repellent?" Seyoung asked, walking closer to Jinwoo who sat before his desk, drawing on a sketchbook.

"Yeah, that drawer on the left." He nodded to a direction and she followed.

Seyoung opened the drawer to see the lotion she wanted placed on top of a book. Curious, she took it as she walked back to Jinwoo's bed and sat on it.

"What's this?" She asked, turning the pages. Jinwoo turned his head to her then immediately snatched the book from her hands. "Hey! What was that for?"

"This is top secret."
"Top secret? It's just a bunch of drawings with some dialogues on it. And there were some blank pages too." Jinwoo sighed as she sat comfortably to listen to his explanation.

"I'm making a manga."
"A manga?! You serious?" She chuckled.
"What? Have you done anything productive lately?" He stated, making the girl to stop teasing him.

"I'm going home." Seyoung stood up, making Jinwoo's heart to sink. He didn't want her to leave yet.

"Wait," He began, spinning her around with his hand gripped on her wrist.
"—I'll need that lotion back by tomorrow."


And then she left.

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