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"I think we should break up."

My heart sank at his words.

Was I a bad girlfriend to him? What did I even do wrong? I thought things were going just right but, why now? Why now that today is even our first monthsary?

"I-it's not you, Seyoung. It's me. My dad wants me to transfer schools but I don't want to! I really don't! I . . . he told me that if I don't follow him, he'll even get me to military academy, and that's even worse because I won't be able see you in a long, long time. I might be looking selfish right now but, I'm doing this for our relationship. I don't want to be having a relationship with someone I can't even see, hug, or tell that I love her in person. I'm sorry, Seyoung."

He only stared at me with his puppy-like eyes, and I just looked back, still processing what he had said.

"But, will you come back?" My voice started to crack as I felt tears streaming down my cheeks. It was hard for me to hold it back but what now is not the time to let my pride in between us.

"Of course, I will always come back for you, Seyoung. Always remember that. We might not be able to see each other physically but we'll be in each other's hearts, right?" He stated and I smiled.

"Saranghae, Seyoung."
"Nado saranghae, Bin."

Until we meet again . . .

Bin left this morning, wearing the socks I gave him. I'm glad he remembered as he gave me a pink ponytail. It wasn't much but he said something meaningful about it. He told me to always wear it so my hair won't fall to my face, saying that it would cover my beauty. He's so cheesy sometimes.

Since it was free period, I sat on the bleachers where he and I talked again for the first time in years since we were kids.

The football team was there, but no sign of their captain. Hmm, I guess who took his place . . .

"Go captain Rocky! Wooooooh!" A group of girls cheered beside me, answering the question in my head.

I chuckled silently as a person stood in front of me, making me look up from my manga.

"Oh, Minjoo."
"You okay, girl? I heard about you and Moon Bin." She pouted.
"I'm okay . . . but, this is normal, right? I become sad then angry but whenever I remember that he will come back, I become happy again. But I think it's just how a person really feels when it's real love, right?"
"Aww, my best friend is growing up!" She suddenly pulled me in for a hug as I laughed at her for faking tears.

I will never ever exchange my best friend for anything.

"Oh yeah, where's JinJin?" So she still calls him that.
"He got sick for drinking spoiled milk."
"Wow, on his birthday? That's just ironic." I widened my eyes at her. Birthday?
"Today's his birthday?"
"Yeah, wait you don't know? Tch, tch, tch, I can't believe you don't know your brother's birthday. He'll be very disappointed in you.

School finally ended.

I ran to Youngjin's department to see him with his friends. We walked home together and as we arrived, there wasn't any sign of dad nor Hyojin.

"Noona, can I go play with my friends at the playground?"
"Sure, just don't go out too late."

Youngjin ran again to meet his friends. Doesn't he get tired of running around? Kids, you just don't know how to handle them.

My first instinct was to go to Jinwoo's room. I knocked on the door but there wasn't any response. I slowly opened the door to see him covered in his thick blanket, wearing earphones as he played with his phone.

"Oh, you're here." He removed the bud on his left ear and glanced at me for bit before returning to his game.
"Your dad said he'll come home after dinner, and mom went to a meeting."

I just watched him play, pressing the screen with his thumbs then yelling curses whenever he lost a level. With no interesting thing to do, I decided to make him seaweed soup in the kitchen. It's his birthday after all.

Carrying the tray, I slowly entered back to his room only to see him on the other side of the bed. Is he sleeping?

I placed the tray on his nightstand then peeked over to check if he was really sleeping. I put my hand on the bed, making a weight as I whispered his name.

He suddenly turned around, causing me to fall back and land on the floor, hurting my butt.

"Sorry! I didn't know you were there!"
"It's okay. Anyway, here." I stood back up and got the soup from the table.
"S-seaweed soup?" He asked as I placed it in his hands.
"Happy birthday, Jinwoo . . . oppa." I mumbled the last part as I sat on the side of his bed.

He stared at the soup before digging in and tasting my cooking. I hope it's not bad.

"Did you make this?" He asked and I started to worry.
"Y-yeah, is it good?"
"It's delicious! Thanks, dongsaeng!"

I watched him eat the seaweed soup happily. I didn't know that something simple like this would make feel good inside.

"So . . . what did you get for me?" He asked as a cough came with it. I gave him a glass of water, receiving a mumbled 'thanks' from him.

"T-the seaweed soup?" I smiled sheepishly. I really feel bad right now.
"You don't have a gift for me, don't you?" He asked with a pout.

I didn't answer his question, so he just sighed and returned back to his soup.

"How did your date with Dumpster go then?" I suddenly remembered the talk I had with Bin this morning. Sigh.

"We broke up."
"M-mwo?" He choked so I gave him water again. "Wae?"
"He transferred schools."
"Just because of that? Are you sure? Maybe he was cheating on you! Maybe he just didn't want to make you feel bad! What if he's already kissing his new girlfriend right now while you're stuck here with your lame brother!"

I don't know if I should be mad because of all the mean things he said about Bin or if I should laugh because he just called himself lame.

I started laughing hysterically. He just watched me laugh like an idiot and honestly, it was the best laugh I've had for years.

"Yah! Stop laughing, it's creepy."
"You just admitted that you were lame! This is the best day ever!"

Jinwoo watched her soon-to-be stepsister crack up, showing the cute dimples she had that he didn't even notice before. This caused his heart to pound faster, his stomach to do a thousand flips inside, and his lips to curve up and smile.

"This is the best day ever!"

He immediately cupped her cheeks, and kissed her in the lips.

And the best birthday gift you could ever give to me . . . is this. He thought.

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