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Minjoo decided to have a sleepover at my house since her parents were going to be out of town for the weekend.

Arranging my things, Youngjin shot open the door and targeted me with a water gun.

"Can't catch me!" We started running around the house with him almost getting every furniture and decorations wet.

Just as he went past Jinwoo's room, the door opened, making me stumble and fall to the ground.

"What the— Seyoung!" He frantically knelt beside me and helped me up. "Thanks."

I dusted off the invisible dirt on me then snickered when I heard Youngjin laughing from the other room.

"I'll get you next time, you brat." After giving him a death glare, I turned around until a hand grabbed my shoulder.

"Y-your nose . . ."
"It's bleeding."

I widened my eyes at the sight of blood on the floor. I wiped my face with my hand but regretted it as it just spread all over.

Jinwoo started dragging me to his bathroom then opened the faucet.

He guided me as he held my hair back while I leaned over the sink to wash my bleeding nose.

"Still dripping?" He asked as I hummed in response.

After minutes of that struggling episode, I stood back up as he pulled out a squares of tissue from the roll. Thinking that he was going to give it to me, I grabbed the tissues but he pulled it back, proceeding to wipe it on the upper part of my lips.

"You should be careful next time."
"It's not my fault. He started it." I reasoned out, remembering my little brother's sneaky tricks.

Jinwoo just continued dabbing the tissue below my swollen nose while I stared at his undeniably good looking features.

"It's rude to stare, you know?" He teased, looking up to my eyes.
"I-I wasn't."
"Sure you weren't . . . but one of these days you'll be thankful for having a handsome brother like me!"
"Yeah, whatever."

Minjoo and I stayed in my room, watching a K-Drama and screamed like the total fangirls we were whenever there's a really cute and romantic scene.

"Ugh! Park Hyungsik and Park Boyoung should totally date right now!"
"I know, they look so cute together!"

We continued watching then after that, she tried to make me slip into the diamond life which I still don't get since I'm not into Seventeen, not alone in the K-Pop world.

". . . and this is Woozi. He's really short and cute, much like a newborn baby potato. But be careful because he doesn't like anyone messing with him. I remember he chased Mingyu with a guitar in their pre-debut days. Ah, those were the good times."

"Hmm, seems like a little devil to me."

It was half past nine when we decided to get midnight snacks for ourselves. We tiptoed down the stairs, carefully, not to wake the others up. As we reached the kitchen, we opened the cabinets and got as much junk food as we can.

"Hey, Seyoung, just out of curiosity, have you and Moon Bin . . . kissed already?" I stood frozen at her words. What do I say? We almost kissed? Well, she's my best friend after all so I shouldn't keep secrets from her.

"No . . . but almost."
"Almost? OMG! What happened?"

I sighed then proceeded to tell her the day Bin and I went to the playground.

"Curse those phone calls." She hissed.

We came back to my room with the food then dumped it on the floor. I opened up a bag of Lays and started to eat up when Minjoo said something.

"We forgot the drinks!"
"Oh sure, what do you want?"
"Sprite, please!" She answered and I raced back to the kitchen for beverages.

Just as I walked in, a familiar back greeted me as it rummaged through the refrigerator and I came closer to see who it was.

"Oh, it's you." I deadpanned.
"Not surprised, huh?" Jinwoo raised a brow as he drank a glass of milk. "So, what do you do in your sleepovers?" He suddenly asked as I got the drinks.

"Uhm, girl things? Watch K-Dramas, spazz about K-Pop groups . . ." I trailed off as I thought of more things to say. Well, there isn't more to say, I guess. "—probably what most girls do. Why'd you ask?"

"Nothing, just curious." We stayed silent for a while. It was awkward, honestly.

Suddenly, he came closer to me without saying anything. I only looked at him as he did until he stopped in front of me, moving his hand closer to my face.

I shut my eyes, it was a reflex that I do when people get too close to me.

Waiting for something to happen, I felt a touch on the side of my lips. I instantly opened my eyes to see his face close to mine.

"You're such a messy eater. You even have crumbs on your mouth." He said as he rubbed the part where there were little pieces of the Lays chips I ate earlier.

"T-thanks." I waited for him to move away but he just stood still, staring at my eyes. I looked back at him and saw that his eyes were like saying something to me. You know like how the eyes are the only parts of our face that can tell how we really feel? It's like that.

He smiled then walked away. Did he want to tell me something?

"Goodnight, dongsaeng!"

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