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"Jinwoo hyung, wake up!"
"Huh, what?"

Jinwoo shot up from his bed, looking around to see a young boy bounce up and down on his bed.

"Happy birthday!"
"Birthday?" He asked, confused.
"Yes, it's your birthday!"
"But I thought . . ." Jinwoo rubbed his temple as he tried to remember the things that happened yesterday . . . or maybe, the things he dreamed just last night.

"Happy birthday, Jinwoo!" Hyojin and Kangsoo chanted as they entered his room with his mom carrying a seaweed soup and his soon-to-be stepdad, a cake with a candle lit on it.

Still looking confused, he sat up on his bed with a cheerful smile on his face, ready to blow the candle as they sang the birthday song to him.

"What's your wish?"
"My wish . . . ?" Jinwoo trailed off as he put himself in a trance which was then interrupted by the sound of the door opening.

"Sorry, I'm late." A voice of a young female caused a sparkle of hope in his eyes. They all turned to the door, revealing a smiling Seyoung with a small paper bag in her hand.

"You're so rude, noona! You just ruined hyung's birthday." The younger lad scoffed, making Seyoung nudge him on the shoulder.

"Happy birthday, oppa!" She handed him the paper bag and he eventually got it, but with a faint smile and an aching heart. "With this gift, I hope you forget about the past and start to make the best of the present for the future."

"So, what's your wish?" His mom repeated.
"M-my wish is—"

"You may now kiss the bride!" The priest yelled, making everybody in the church to shout and cheer for the newlywed couple.

Seyoung looked at her father's smile as he stared into his new wife's eyes. It made her happy inside, thinking that although she will have a new mother, her father will live the rest of his life with a partner he loves.

Youngjin jumped up and down in his place, shouting as loud as he can to express how much he was happy for his dad.

Minjoo stood beside her best friend, crying while flapping her hand to try and dry the tears up. She was thinking about how she was seeing a real romantic scene before her.

Jinwoo smiled as he looked at his mother, he knew that her, marrying Seyoung's dad would make her happy, even though it will break his heart knowing that he'll never be able to tell his true feelings for her now, legal stepsister.

"Good luck in university!" Their parents shouted, waving as the bus left before them.
"Do you think they'll be alright?" Hyojin asked as she looked up at her husband.
"Of course, they have each other." Kangsoo smiled as he thought of his two children leave for university.

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