Chapter 3

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"Welcome to Orientation Miss Potts! "

I knew instantly I was looking at an orgy waiting to happen.  I had heard this was how the big boys played it. The higher up the corporate hierarchy the quirkier the sexual favours sought.  The Drumthars were sex fiends they always have been it was why our Queen had banished them to the far part of LesSrange but it had proved to be a short term measure to the problem for once banished their sexual cravings proved to create what had never been the problem before,  a thirst for the throne.

We lost that war and were now suffering the consequence but not for long for other wars will follow. One that will put us in position of victory.  To assert our Queen back in the throne.  To place me into the throne as Queen.

"You will start by taking me in your mouth.  We will instruct you as we progress.  Your part is easy.  You need only to follow what we say with acceptable competence, " said the pompous Mr Williams.

I only nodded my head in acceptance knowing it was unavoidable.  This was  just another consequence of war.  Since I steadfastly refused to accept the present rule, I was already at war. A stealth war fought silently on the sly.

I moved to kneel before Mr Williams and raised my hands to brush aside the fabric that concealed his inflamed member. I moved to take him in my mouth.

"Halt! Remove your top first."

So I started to unhitch my shirt till my flesh was fully exposed instantly the tone in the room upped a notch just as the breathing shifted to quicken a pace.

Then I reached out to grab a firm hold of Mr Williams and proceeded to lower my lips down to him.

"Getting a little ahead of ourselves are we," came the deadly calm tone of surpressed rage. Startled I shifted to look at Kian striding into the room as if he owned it.

"Sir!" Mr Williams snapped to attention.

"You would begin a party without me? You would dare to not invite me. You would be fired!"

"Sir! But..," Mr Williams started say.

"Out! All of you.  If you value your jobs, " Kian bit out succinctly.

The room scattered.  In a blink only Kian and I remained.  I leaned down to retrieve my discarded shirt.

"Leave it.  We are not done.  I still have an orientation to attend to," said Kian hardly.

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