Chapter 21

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Marie sat silently staring out the window as Jeremiah answered numerous phone calls. Pulling up to his place, he quickly hoped out of the car. Assuming she had done the same, Jeremiah rattled off instructions for her. Turning around to see why she hadn't responded, he realized she was just sitting in the car. Annoyed, he jogged back down the driveway to the car.

"Man, what you waiting for! Get out the car"

Leave me the fuck alone, Marie said bluntly while taking her precious time getting out.

"Aye watch your fucking mouth and hurry up, stop acting so damn stupid ", Jeremiah said annoyed at how she was acting.

With a loud huff, she ran up the driveway into the house. Jeremiah, who was right behind her, slammed the front door and hurried to catch up with her.

" Pack some stuff for a couple of days and let's go"

I was already doing that, I gotta get the fuck outta here because I'm tempted to beat the black off your ass, Marie said as she angrily stuffed clothes in her duffle bag.

Laughing loudly, Jeremiah walked out of the room answering his phone that was ringing non-stop.

This nigga got me fucked up, Marie thought aloud.

After she finished packing, Marie jogged down the stairs heading for the front door.

" Bruh, where you think you going" Jeremiah asked standing up from the couch.

I'm going to mind my damn business, now mind yours, Marie said in a smart tone.

" Aye watch your fucking mouth! You are my business, so you can take your bags and get in the car or I can make you get in that muthafucka" Jeremiah stated leaving no room for discussion.

Without any other words, she grabbed her bag and followed him out the door.


The car ride was long and Marie had fallen asleep. Jeremiah welcomed the silence because he knew if she was up there would just be another argument. He was starting to feel like an ass for overreacting at the club and he was tired of arguing with her since they were just getting back on good terms.

Pulling into the driveway of his parents' house, Jeremiah stopped the car. Lightly shaking Marie to wake her, he popped the trunk to get her stuff. Marie, who was still pissed at Jeremiah stretched as she looked around to see where she was. Stepping out of the car, she went around to the trunk and snatched her bag. Completely ignoring, Jeremiah she headed up the steps to the front door. Laughing and shaking his head at her for still being mad, he headed up the stair behind her. Pulling out a key and unlocking the door, they headed inside.

Where are we, Marie questioned.

Without responding directly ,Jeremiah answered her question.

"Ma, Pops where y'all at, he yelled and looked at Marie with a smirk.

Immediately feeling ashamed because of her outfit, Marie attempted to cover her body with her arms.

" baby its cool" Jeremiah said pulling her to him, wrapping his arms around her waist and kissing her neck.

Boy what the hell are you doing here so late, Jeremiah's dad asked.

There was no denying that this man was Jeremiah's father. He was the exact replica of him minus the grey and black low cut with waves and a little height.

I'm up here trying to get some from your mama and cutting in on my action son, he said while hugging his son.

And, who is this pretty little lady, his dad asked while hugging Marie.

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