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One kiss - " the heartbreaker" - Andrea

One blush - " the heartbroken" - Susan

One ass - " the one who doesn't know love " - Reva

This makes the always insane squad.
Hi, this is the story of Andrea and her two friends or better yet, soul sisters " Susan " and " Reva" .
Let's go alphabetically, otherwise , these three are perfectly capable of setting a world war 3, about who comes first.

So , first comes ' Andrea ' - typical fashionista, intelligent one, but not as such because she can read minds therefore still single.( sigh)

Then comes total ass a.k.a ' Reva ' - a softy at heart but a hard shell and is planet's away from the word called 'love' ( most of the cussing will be from her in the book)

Typical softy or should I say, the stupid one, with a million trust issues, watched Romeo Juliet 1000 times but still needs a tissue box every time she watches it again. Our love struck crybaby 'Susan'.

So , let's see how a kiss, a blush and an ass finally settle the hurricane in their love life.....

I love u guys already for choosing to read this .......
And ya,  guys just wanna remind  I have its copyright so please DO NOT COPY.
Bad manners

Well were done with manners hope u enjoy and I will try and update asap.

Oh , and I almost forgot , this book gonna have lots of POV's so you've been warned......

Also let me know if u liked the preview .
Love ya

One Kiss One Blush One AssWhere stories live. Discover now