1.I don't wanna live forever

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Hey, so here's the first chapter. Hope you will enjoy...... And as I had told you, there will be many different POVs and I'll try my best that the chapters won't be confusing.


Andrea's POV

I woke up with the sound of  'I don't wanna live forever'  blaring from the stereo in the drawing room downstairs.

This was second time this week and it would be my turn this time to apologize to the neighbours.

"Reva..." I groaned, still half sleeping.
I'm gonna definitely cut down her coffee consumption from now on, I can't take her waking up early morning and finding something to be occupied until we wake up - correction - until she woke us up.

Last time, she woke up at 5, had her head phones on and started singing at the top of her voice .
I literally fell down from the couch I had fallen asleep on .

You remember the reaction of Nobita and Doremon when Gian sings, and now just multiply the misery by 5, there, ya just a little more, and........ya, hold right there its exactly the state in which Sue and me were in .

I grabbed the pillow and pulled it over my ear. An unaccomplished attempt to restrict the sound of music.

For god sake, it was Saturday morning and I was up late last night , well of course there were too many cliffhangers in that book, for it to be left before completely reading it.

God, can't a sane person - okay wait - can't a person have her sleep till content, not even once, that too on a Saturday. I must have been quiet a pain in the ass in my last life .

Finally giving up , I crawled out of my bed , to see Reva , leaning at the door , " Good morning. " she said cheerfully , according to that , I figured she had already devoured two mugs of coffee by now .

" Let's just stick to morning for now . ' good ' , I'm not so sure " I replied while rubbing my eyes .

" Well , maybe my next news could make it good " I saw a knowing smirk on her face .

" We might have to still , help sue wake up. "
She said mischievously . Both of us understood and in a blink of an eye we were entering Sue's room.

Susan's POV

We were on the balcony , standing under the moonlight , surrounded by rose gardens .
I was desperately waiting for this moment and then he said " Then move not, while my prayer's effect I take..." and started leaning in for a kiss.

Our faces were inches apart....centimeters......half a centimeter.... and what the hell are you waiting for....kiss me Douglas booth ...and just when his lips were gonna touch mine, suddenly 'I don't wanna live forever' started blaring from the background and all a sudden , the whole scene shifted to a concert, stage, lights, crowd.
Taylor Swift and Douglas Booth, oh wait! - Douglas Booth - shouldn't it be Zayn.

But come on afterall its my dream , wait again.
Dream , that's the reason douglas was so short that we were of the same height , so our lips fitted with each other perfectly , of course for the kiss we never shared , cause seeing my height I would barely come to his shoulders .

Then I heard a door open and Louis Tomlinson came out looking as cute as hell, walking straight to me, just standing inches apart and whispered " wake up sleepy head " .

OK. I was damn shit confused .
What?? What did he mean by 'wake up sleepyhead', that's the least I expected , well of course I expected him to crash his lips on mine .
But what did he say again?

Soon my confusion was washed out, I mean literally washed out .
Cold water was poured on me taking Douglas , Louis and my still undelivered kisses with it.

Then I heard someone laughing their asses off and suddenly everything was clear ,
" Reva! Andrea!! " I shouted "YOU BITCHES! YOU ARE GONNA PAY FOR THIS!" .

Reva's POV

When we slowly tiptoed , to Sue's room, after closing the door in a haste and while heading to the washroom, suddenly we heard her sleep talking.
"What the hell are you waiting for? Just kiss me already, Douglas!"

We both stood still like maniquines for a few seconds , turning to see Sue in sleep and then turning to each other, both trying not to burst out laughing .

When we finally retrieved , we headed towards the shower . I passed the bucket and Ri was already checking if the water is cold enough .

As we filled about half the bucket , we headed out.

Before I poured the water , Ri gently whispered " wake up sleepyhead " in her ears. To which her reaction was a disgusted face, as if she had just smelled a football player's socks . Ew , okay , I'm imagining too much now .

" 3 , 2 , 1 and........"
We poured the water . To which an expected reaction , she shouted as she literally bounced off her bed and landed on her ass. Ouch .

Well here you go, a good fun morning .


" Aww, did we intrude while you were busy kissing your Douglas?" Ri chuckled and without thinking - of course - Sue mumbled " not Douglas , Louis "

" OMG , two at a time , quiet a player you are, Sue, right? " I said .

To which she blushed .
Let me tell you , her blush is bad , she turns into a perfectly ripped tomato in a minute .

Ri and I shared a look and started laughing .
When finally she came back to her senses , she reached for us , but we were long gone , racing downstairs.

After 10 mins ,
We were all in the backyard , drenched to our skin , after the water fight , laughing hard that it hurts.

A/N: Okay, the one direction reference was just this once there wont be anymore most probes. ....... Sorry to the 1D fans :)

Just so you guys won't be confused,
Andrea's nick name is Ri,
Reva - revs and
Susan - sue.
U got it right?
Well, did you like the chapter?? I would love to know your views .

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