14. South downfall

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Andrea's POV

I was busy trying to control my laughter. But, seriously, hippo's milk. The more interesting question remains 'How does she know?'.

Just then we heard a familiar voice, "Well, that was fun." And Caleb was standing there, in all his glory.

Has he been standing there all this while?

Till now, we know too much about the infamous Caleb McCarney, all credit goes to the colorful description by our dearest, Susan. She curses the day she opted for calculus. Well, told ya.

Reva is happy about it though, she says, "When a pain in ass has a pain in his ass, it's awesome to see him squirm."

I don't completely disagree either. Personally, I think that is kinda cute and it kinda pisses her, so I stick with it.

I could see the smitten face by her 'wolfe' morph to annoyance and couldn't help, but smirk. Just then, two more people came in and started making their way inside, engrossed in their own world, not bothering about their surroundings.

It came as a bit of a shock when I recognized Skyler and Ian. What the hell are they doing here?

Brain: Well, it's a public place. Duh.

Me: Don't you speak too much these days, just get lost already.

Seeing the past events, with itching powder, Skyler isn't really the person Reva wants to face . Almost a week has passed and he hasn't done anything for revenge, and him backing down is like an impossible task, we all back each other on that. Seeing all these points, Reva is definitely keeping her guards up .

The person beside him, isn't any great either. I never really let my mind linger much on Ian Wilson before, as the name pops out in almost every gossip, giggle and blush of the girls in school. But now, it seems impossible. He just shares one class with me and I'm so thankful for that. Once a day, 40 minutes with him, is more than enough. I keep thinking if things start to escalate like this, I might just fail in chemistry.

I don't get what is his problem. Has he taken some degree to annoy the shit out of someone?

If yes, that university would be proud of their alumni with hundred percent excellence.

He, practically, has my chair as the greatest luxury of this world. Whatever you do, his hands remains crossed on the back of my chair and chin resting on that, half the time, if not he is continuously kicking the leg of my chair, 'subconsciously', either playing with my hair or asking for stationary, only to start banging them. I even tried changing my seat , but he magically appears behind me, continuing his fetish with my chair. After several life threats and pencil stealing, the situation remains same. He just derives amusement out of all this, which is pretty evident by his smirk at the end of each period.

These three are no less than devils in our lives and right now, seeing them together definitely came as a big shock. Both of them proceed towards Caleb and did a bro-hug as if they have been best friends ever since their first day on this planet. That definitely made our smirks drop. How the hell did they suddenly know each other? Last I checked, they were all living in their own worlds.

Caleb kept his eyes on Sue, and noticing that, both of them looked our way and finally acknowledged our presence with their own smirks. Then, Caleb walked up to Sue and said, "You didn't tell me you work here?"

Sue paused a moment, maintaining the scowl her face and said, "Oh...I didn't...maybe because it's none of your business."

"Burn!", "Woah!" the two hollered from the table. Guess all friends worldwide have a persistence quality of relish in your special moment of shame.

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⏰ Last updated: May 26, 2022 ⏰

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