2. Kissing the crotch

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Andrea's POV

It's afternoon and sue and me are trying to make some edible meal, trust me, it's hard to make an edible meal for us and then the meal also have to beet the amazing mouth watering take outs , hence this is not much of an occerrance.

Reva comes down , with her phone in hand and announces " guys , tom and jerry are asking confirmation for tonight . so we up for it then? "

Well tom and Jerry are our friends , they organise this club sort of thing every Saturday , at the street, which is completely transformed to a funky , awesome , fun and sometimes freaky hangout spot . they have drinks , but in a limit , crazy loud music , even have a small food court type of thing and a really big dance floor , that was most of the street . the best part is that anyone can challenge anyone and , well , its on you're ego to accept or deny and eventually there will be a dance face off.

" yeah , its been two long weeks since we went last , thankfully exams over ! " I replied

" okay! I'm picking the outfits! " sue said enthusiastically and then went back to eating the edible toast . we knew that there was no point hours
arguing with her.

After 3 hours

We were standing in front o the mirror in her room , she's doing the final 'touch up' as she quotes it , as if we were about to walk on a ramp.

Finally done ,I glanced at myself for the last time before heading out.

I don't know how she's manages to get me into this black shimmering , one piece, reaching my mid -thy , and slightly deep neck, with black sttelatoes .
My lips hit red , black eyeliner , making my eyes look bigger and slightly curled hair .

But Reva was in her leather jacket as sue was not convincing enough to make her wear the backless dress, her make up was similar to mine .

And finally sue in her skin fit black jeans and the baby pink crop top, her lips same shade as her top and her long straight hair, slightly curled at the ends.
I took my car keys and we headed to the club.

Susan's POV
In 35 mins. we finally reached the club .
Well ,we had this sort of our rule , that the music will be of the driver's choice and I was continuously 'bickering' according to revs about how I wanted to sit at the front seat.
Well, they were not able to handle any more of my awesomeness so....they eventually stopped and switched our positions ( ha !!! I win ) . Now Ri was driving , me at the front seat and Reva had the back seat all to herself . Its just amazing to know sometimes how much I can annoy these two.

As we entered we saw our friends, Tom and Jerry ( ya, not cartoons, our friends, which btw are my favorite) welcomed us with hugs.
Tom was wearing rugged dark blue jeans, could also go for black and a v - neck grey t- shirt showing off his biceps. While Jerry was in a black low hung, skin fit jeans and a white shirt with rolled up sleeves. They both looked ecstasic . Any girl would love to have them but unfortunately they bat for the other team. The thought of them being gay couldn't even graze in the vast pastureland of your minds.

"well, hello there beauties, long time no see." Jerry greeted us. I hugged him. I knew Tom was busy hugging and greeting Ri and Revs but his eyes were on me.

"Yeah, we were a bit busy, handsome."
I always purposely tried to hit on Jerry to get a reaction from Tom . As if on que, he raised his eyebrows, his face was now decorated with lop sided smirked and said "Still have your charm, I see ."

"I just can't loose it." I flicked my hair dramatically.

Then we were sitting at the bar with our beer and Reva with her coke as she assured that she could handle Ri and mine drunk state and volunteered to drive us back home.
All of us were catching up on our last weeks when Tom had to go and check on some problem with the bouncer. Then Ri and me ditched Jerry and Reva for the dance floor.

Andrea's POV

We were dancing like a perfectionist drunk person would do, well what can we say , we like to be perfectionist even at our drunk state . we were at the centre of the dance floor, busy jumping and screaming, then I twirled and felt as if pair of eyes were staring at me. Oh! Those eyes owner had a good body, pretty good body.  Without realizing, I started checking him out. 


His jawline could really cut my fingers and I won't complain. Dayum Boi. His shirt was so tight and drenched in sweat that it blessed my eyes with those abs feast. Further down....

"and quiet a big penis" Sue whispered.

" what?" Turning around to look at Sue and I found out the said girl biting her lips sensually, still busy admiring his perfect body.

" What, what?.....Did...I say that aloud ?"

"Yup girl. You look like you are on a dick hunt." I laughed aloud.

" shit!" Her face was red. He was still staring, even without blinking .

" do you even know which guy I'm talking about ?"

" no. Do I have to?" She replied with a thoughtful face . God, this girl

" you see the boy over there , do you think he is blinking ?" I pointed at him . well , I'm drunk of course I pointed.

Sue, putting her Index finger on her forehead between her eyes, Imagining a straight line from her eye level, also pointed at him and then tried to look at the person , blinking at least 20 times ( I didn't count exactly ) .

" if you're gonna blink continuously , how can you see if he is blinking or not" I asked in a little frustrated tone . well, however much a drunk can be frustrated.

" wait. "
she said and then practically used hands to open her eyes and make them wider .

" yup, I don't think he is blinking " she thought for a minute and said " he is still as a dead person."

" like a living dead.! " I exclaimed.

" ya , just like the one in the mummy , remember."

I thought fr a while and said " ya, I remember, but is not in bandages! " in a disappointed whining tone .

" it's not mandatory , I mean my mummy does not walk around in bandages."

I blinked twice , thought for a while and said
" ya mine too " after glancing at him once again , he was still starring and that too without blinking. Dude , that's a talent.

" I know! Let's go talk to Mr. Hot " sue said while pulling me towards him.

" ya , let's go kiss him in the crotch"

" what!!!" Sue stopped and stated at me .

"KICK , I mean let's go kick him in the crotch" after a hickup.

Yes, definitely I'm drunk.

Phew, finally a long chap .
Here , finished .
Now I'm gonna rest my figures a little .

Well all you lovely people could do me a Small favour.......you see that small little cute star down there ...cute na .....could please press it............
Ya , I knew you guys are awesome .

And just so you guys know tom and jerry are together .....many people didn't seem to get that...

Love ya
Next update most probs next week

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