8. Wanna bend over the desk babe!!

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Andrea's POV

The dance hall has been shifted, because the new one is larger and in the new building .

As I was walking . Guess what???? The bitch from saturday's party was standing at the entrance of the building . I still remember Sue sequel "Look Ri , a bitch ,a bitch " and a smile crept onto my face .

Well, turns out the bitch is not alone , as I approach the building , I see the same person (apparently, the living dead mommy not wrapped in bandages) and I finally realize why was I discussing about his dick , I mean who wouldn't , he seemed like Greek God.

The bitch, the hot guy and some others were the only ones in my vision . Yeah, I'm running late and I don't know where's the god damn hall !


Jessie's wining non-stop . We just got this period free and I don't know which of these dickhead friends of mine told her about it . Apparently, she wants me to come to come with her to her dance class.

Don't get me wrong , I would love the chance to see some hot asses being swayed and twirked , but I've got two reasons here not to, firstly, there is nothing new in it, I mean I've see a lot and secondly, I want to give Jessie every possible hint to make her understand we are over, those exact same hints which she does't even mind catching .

I mean come on dude, even after saying "we're over, we're nothing, you need to understand that and get the hell away from me" on her face , but this dumb person laughs , yes laughs and brushes it off saying "your sense of humor is improving hun". Sense of humor my foot.

"Oh, come on baby, you know I have been practicing these new steps , which you really want to see" she said in a seducting voice.

"No Jessie, I don't want to see them , you want to show them. There is a difference " God, this girl is impossible .

she again started to say something but I stopped listening when I saw that drunk girl from saturday's party .Damn !! she is lookin hot, and she is coming here. Wait, she is my school, and i never saw her before . What the hell !! where have I been ?? Then I was suddenly jerking too and fro and focused back on Jessie.

"Honey , are you even listening ?" she said. Boy, this girl even has the physical strength to irritate the shit out of you.....

and do you know what I did??can you guess? come on one try , take your best shot. No . Okay, i'll tell you . I ignored her, and I'm so proud of myself , I feel like giving a pat on my back.

"Hey, do you happen to know where's the dance hall ?" she asked one of my teammates Ed.

Before Ed could utter a word , I came and stood beside her "yeah, sure we do. You can come with us , actually we are heading that way."

"WHAT??" of course Jessie.

My friends gave me confused looks but soon added two and two and their face morphed to amazement.

I turned to Jessie ,"Yes, Jess. Weren't you the one , so willing to take us all with you."

"NO , I was not."

This girl...uhhh......

"Yes, you were."

"No and moreover, yo were the one saying you didn't want to go . So, come on let's go wherever you want to go"

That's what I'm talking about , irritation , see for yourself

"ow, come on I want to go ,after all you were asking so nicely." note the sarcasm.

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