9. cheer leading habalaboo

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Andrea's POV

He took my hand before I could say anything and started dragging me towards the dance hall. I could feel whole lot of diverse emotions in the air. Some amused, some relived and some particularly glaring daggers at me........well, no one wants to be near you to bitch.

Ha, I just love the sound of it. Bitch. Suits her perfectly .

We reached the hall, where the bitch-I don't know her name , so this goes-went and stood with two slim , barely having clothes , high heels and a mountain of caked makeup on them . Definitely , they are the were the butterflies of the bitch .

She went and stood there , anger fuming expression and I had a hard time controlling my laughter which was about to show itself anytime now.

I finally reached the teacher and she asked me to show her some moves . I went to the person controlling the music system and settled for an instrumental piece.

when I finally was on stage , I ran my fingers along my hair , to smooth them down a bit , while my eyes were roaming through the hall, the teacher sitting in the center , the hot guy and the group , leaning against the wall some people scattered here and there and of course the bitch and the butterflies.

I could see in their eyes , they just waited for my one mistake to rub it on my face and the disappointed look on everyone's face . My biggest fear , disappointing someone or to let someone down . But suddenly, a memory flashed before my eyes. Her soothing eyes and a proud smile tucking on her face , that highly infectious smile , that spread like wild fire . she raising her thumb and mouthing me all the best like she did every time .

Suddenly, the girl Sara , I think , asked me a if I was ready , breaking my stream of thoughts , I gave her a nod and let my body flow to the music .

I've been practicing some steps lately,and pairing them up with some contemporary , streches and bends . I finally stood there with a bow .

When I looked up , I saw everyone stopped there work and looking at me . The teacher was nodding in appreciation . My eyes drifted to the bitches' hands in a fist and she was furiously tapping her heels on the floor, sure break it , mind any drilling machine . And finally , I looked at him , he was already looking at me, as if his eyes were glued to me , he didn't even look away when we made eye contact . He definitely wasn't faced by it , like normal people would .

Finally, wanting to end this , I looked away. I tried to tie my hair in the most neat bun I could do at this moment, but I know that it's not gonna last long . Well , you know I've got this fetish for long open hair , although mine are not that long . You should sue's hair , they are to die for , but that dumb person wants short hair. Thanks to us and her mom that she is not permitted cut her hair short , otherwise she would be literally killed by us . Anyways off topic , weird part was i could feel someone's eyes on me.

And when I turned , surprisingly enough , he was still starring ......

Is something wrong with him or it's just his hobby to stand and stare at people . Is it some kind of challenge ,, or better maybe just one of the symptoms of being a hormonal male , like creepy, awkward or dumb .

I went to teacher , when she called me "I am really impressed , you were amazing there , it looked so natural . Well done ! And if i'm not wrong , the starting was a little inspired by Ditto right ?"

"yes ma'am"

" Well, that's great , it's not easy to get a grip on those . did you attend some classes?"

"No , I just watched her videos . A lot "

By now , some students were pitching in the conversation . And finally she asked me ,"I saw your stretches and bends there, and they were good . i just wanted to ask you , would you like to be a part of the cheerleading team , as the main , you could help them train well, and you yourself are quiet talented "

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