26 (Warmth)

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Her touch was electrifying.

"Why is it that you don't believe?" Her touch sent shivers down his spine but she didn't seem to notice.

"Believe what?" His breath seemed to be just out of reach with her this close.

"In God." He can feel her body heat just out of his reach. There but far enough that she's not there.

"God," he repeats.

She laughs and every wall crumbles in," yes. God, Aaron."

She leans in as she laughs and his throat closes up," I don't know."

Her cheek touches his and every hair on his body stands on end," I think you know exactly why you don't believe. Isn't that right Aaron?"

Isn't that right Aaron.

Isn't that right Aaron?

"Go ahead, tell us Aaron." There's a very tight grip on his hair...but how did it get there?

"Leave him alone," the iron grip tightens and he fights back a gasp.

"Did you really think I was going to just let you leave?"

His vision clears just enough so he can see that he is not where he thought he was.

"Don't let me go then." He glances around and his eyes catch a familiar face. "You let the other's go. So let him go. Please, Ian."

Ian must not be very pleased because Hotch feels the painful tug of his hair," why is he so special, Emily? What has he done?"

There's a single gun shot and his hair is released.

"Hotch!" The ground is fast approaching and then it just stops.

"Paramedics are outside."

"How's Reid?"


Hotch feels himself being lifted and hand takes his," you ride with Reid. I've got Hotch."

Warmth. It spreads over him like warm butter on a role.

"Sir, we need to incubate you. I'm administering a sedative. Just stay calm."

He can feel something press against his throat. Then a rush of air and the pressure on his lungs is gone.

"Stay with us," but it's all to much to fight. He gives in and lets the warm sedatives carry him to a place where everything is warm....and safe.

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